EnvironmentThe Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network (Weather Buoy Network) is managed by the Marine Institute in collaboration with Met Éireann and the UK Met Office. The Irish Weather Buoy Network is designed to improve weather forecasts and safety at sea around Ireland. The buoy...
Mean Offshore Wind Speed - height 50m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentThis dataset provides results of mean offshore wind speed measured in metres per second at a height 100m above sea level. Wind speed is the rate of the movement of wind in distance per unit of time. It is the rate of the movement of air flow. The geographic coverage of wind...
Mean Offshore Wind Speed - height 75m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentThis dataset provides results of mean offshore wind speed measured in metres per second at a height 100m above sea level. Wind speed is the rate of the movement of wind in distance per unit of time. It is the rate of the movement of air flow. The geographic coverage of wind...
Mean Offshore Wind Speed - height 100m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentThis dataset provides results of mean offshore wind speed measured in metres per second at a height 100m above sea level. Wind speed is the rate of the movement of wind in distance per unit of time. It is the rate of the movement of air flow. The geographic coverage of wind...
Mean Offshore Wind Power - height 50m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentSustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) Wind Atlas 2003 mean offshore wind power measurements at a height 50m above sea level. None
Mean Offshore Wind Power - height 75m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentSustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) Wind Atlas 2003 mean offshore wind power measurements at a height 75m above sea level. None
Mean Offshore Wind Power - height 100m above mean sea level 2003EnvironmentSustainable Energy Authority Ireland (SEAI) Wind Atlas 2003 mean offshore wind power measurements at a height 100m above sea level. None
EnvironmentDepartment of Communications, Climate Action and Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments. None
EnvironmentDepartment of Communications, Climate Action and Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment boundary of full assessment area for tidal, wave and wind assessments and definition of zones into specific strategic...
Irish Tidal Resource Potential Zone between Ireland and Northern Ireland reported with the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP). None
Irish Tidal Resource Potential within 10-15 km off coastline. None
Irish Tidal Resource Potential within 0-5 km off coastline. None
Irish Tidal Resource Potential within 5-10 km off coastline. None
OREDP Irish Tidal Resource Potential Zone reported in the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan. None
EnvironmentThis dataset represents the boundaries of the major oceans and seas of the world. The source for the boundaries is the publication 'Limits of Oceans and Seas, Special Publication No. 23' published by the IHO in 1953. The dataset was composed by the Flanders Marine Data and...
CV21026 Celtic Voyager SMART Student Training in Marine Science 2021, National University of Irel...EnvironmentA week long National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) student training in multidisciplinary offshore operations in Marine Science. The overarching objective of this training survey was to introduce students to the multidisciplinary ecosystem approach to investigating the...
EnvironmentThe 14 day Celtic Explorer CE21003 cruise took place in March 2021 to collect high quality oceanographic data to contribute to the Atlantic Ocean Observing System. Physical Oceanography: During the CE21003 cruise, full water column CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth)...
CE19009 Celtic Explorer Ocean Climate Survey Rockall Trough North East Atlantic Ocean 2019EnvironmentThe objective of this cruise was to collect high quality oceanographic data to contribute to the Atlantic Ocean Observing System. The Ocean Climate cruise facilitates long-term monitoring of the deep water environment to the west of Ireland. Oceanographic data collected...
EnvironmentThe WESPAS survey is an annual multi-disciplinary survey that is conducted by the Marine Institute to the west of Ireland and the British Isles from northern Bay of Biscay to the Hebrides from coastal waters out to the shelf edge. The survey is usually conducted over 2 legs in...
CE20013 Celtic Explorer Irish Groundfish Survey 2020 Legs 1-3 North East Atlantic OceanEnvironmentThis survey was conducted on board the RV Celtic Explorer in 2020 by the Marine Institute (MI) as part of the annual groundfish survey to determine the distribution and abundance of commercial fish around Ireland. The Irish Groundfish Survey (IGFS) forms part of the...