GovernmentPersons aged 16 years and over
How often Persons used the Internet
How often Persons used the Internet
When Persons last used the Internet
When Persons last used the Internet
Deaths from external causes
Immunisation uptake at 12 months of age
G0327 - SDG 3.a.1 Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years ...GovernmentSDG 3.a.1 Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older by Age Group, Sex, Region, Year and Statistic
2002 Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Private Dwellings in Permanent Housing Units
C0320 - Average Number of Persons per Private Household in Permanent Housing UnitsGovernmentAverage Number of Persons per Private Household in Permanent Housing Units
2002 Private Households in Permanent Housing Units
C0319 - Average Number of Persons per Private Household in Permanent Housing Units since 1946GovernmentAverage Number of Persons per Private Household in Permanent Housing Units since 1946
Persons in Private Households
Private Households
GovernmentPrivate Households with Persons Aged 18 Years and Under