Temporal land use patterns and livestock numbers (cattle) across several river catchmentsAgricultureTemporal land use patterns and livestock numbers across several river catchcments. Within DAFM the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) division generated a list of herds who had land in each river catchment area for a select number of river catchments from 2014-2020. The...
The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) maintains cattle traceability on a central database called the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) database. The AIM system records all births, movements and disposals in accordance with EU requirements and...
The National beef kill figures are provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine by approved processing plants on a weekly basis.
AgricultureAgri-food exports by category (value and volume) for 2014-2022 and Preliminary 2023
County by county breakdown of the payments coming from the 2022 GLAS Scheme. In GLAS, there are two payments per scheme year, the advance payment and the balance payment There are three separate tranches; GLAS 1, GLAS 2 and GLAS 3, indicating that the application window was...
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Decisions
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine International Project Funding AwardsAgricultureThe Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM) operates 'public good' competitive research funding programmes for agriculture, food and forestry to support innovation and economic success across the bioeconomy. DAFM also provides support for Irish involvement in...
Statistics of numbers of horses seized under the Control of Horses Act by local authority area 2008 - 2022
This dataset provides a summary of the total GLAS payments for 2019 for each applicable Land Action, summed up over each County. Different Land Actions are measured in different units, for example area in hectares or a total number of boxes for Conservation of Bees/Bats etc....
2021 Ireland official Wild birds avian influenza test resultsAgricultureAvian influenza PCR test results of wild birds sampled in Ireland over the period Jan 2021 to Dec 2021. When possible, further virus typing of H and N antigens in positive samples recorded. Wild bird species, tissue(s) sampled and approximate location of wild bird discovery...
AgricultureLand Utilisation
AgricultureNumber of Cattle in June
Age Group of Farm Holder
Average Age of Holder
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
AgricultureLand Utilisation
Agricultural Holdings
Farms with Livestock