Industrial Production Index (Base 1995=100)
Industrial Production Index (Base 1995=100)
Industrial Production Index
EconomyIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2010=100)
EconomyIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2005=100)
Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 1.1) (Base 2000=100)
Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 1) (Base 1995=100)
Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 1.1) (Base 2000=100)
Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 1) (Base 1995=100)
CIS74 - Enterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental ImpactsEconomyEnterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental Impacts
CIS73 - Enterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental ImpactsEconomyEnterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental Impacts
CIS72 - Enterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental ImpactsEconomyEnterprises with Procedures in Place to Identify and Reduce Environmental Impacts
CIA68 - Percentage of Total Turnover Attributed to Product Innovation Activities (Provisional Res...EconomyPercentage of Total Turnover Attributed to Product Innovation Activities (Provisional Results)
Organisational Innovation (Provisional Results)
Organisational Innovation (Provisional Results)
CIA65 - Highly Important Hampering Factors to Innovative Activities (Provisional Results)EconomyHighly Important Hampering Factors to Innovative Activities (Provisional Results)
WPM33 - Wholesale Price Index (Excl VAT) for Building and Construction MaterialsEconomyWholesale Price Index (Excl VAT) for Building and Construction Materials
Industrial Price Index (Excl VAT)
Industrial Price Index
Capital Goods Price Index (Excl VAT)