HousingIreland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
Tier 2A (Q1 2023) Sites where a planning application has been lodged with a planning authorityHousingHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2023https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-housing-local-government-and-heritage/
Tier 1 (Q4 2022) Sites where planning permission has been granted and the permission can be imple...HousingHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data Q4 2022https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-housing-local-government-and-heritage/
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
HousingLayer showing the locations of all Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). Each point in the dataset may represent one tree or a group of trees which make a...
Layer showing locations of existing Trees and Woodlands as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). Trees, groups of trees or woodlands which form a significant feature in the landscape or are...
Data showing location of all Rights of Way (ROW) as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). This data includes all Public Rights of Way, Recreation Access Routes & Wicklow Way Routes. These...
Development Plan 2022-2028 - Record of Monuments and Place DLRHousingRecord of Monuments and Place as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). Layer showing the location of all Records of Monuments and Places within dlr County from the County Development Plan...
The Metals Candidate Architectural Conservation Area (cACA) as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If there are any...
HousingProposed Education Sites as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If there are any discrepancies between this layer...
Development Plan 2022-2028 - Specific Local Objectives Polygon DLRHousingLayer showing the locations of Specific Local Objective boundaries (SLO) as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If...
HousingLayer showing location of Strategic Land Reserve (SLR) site as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If there are any...
Development Plan 2022-2028 - Specific Local Objectives Point DLRHousingLayer showing the locations of Specific Local Objective symbols (SLO) as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If...
HousingLayer showing location of existing and proposed Traveller Accommodation sites as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps....
Protected Structures from the Record of Protected Structures as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). Each Planning Authority must include, in their Development Plan, objectives for the...
Mews Developments as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If there are any discrepancies between this layer and the...
Data showing location of Proposed Roads, Motorways, Quality Bus Routes, Luas Lines, Cycle routes & Strategic Roads reservations as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). The lines of the Road...