TransportNew Vehicles Licenced for the First Time
TransportGoods Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportOther Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportPrivate Cars Licensed for the First Time
TBQ03 - Passenger and Commercial Vehicles (Roll On/Roll Off) HandledHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeTransportPassenger and Commercial Vehicles (Roll On/Roll Off) Handled
TransportMaritime Container Cargo (Lift On/ Lift Off Handled)
TransportTonnage of Goods Handled
TransportNew Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportVehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportVehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportVehicles Licensed for the First Time
Average Weekly Figures for CIE Services
International Air Freight and Mail
Aviation Activity and Emissions
Road Freight Transport Activity
TransportRoad Freight Transport Activity
TransportRoad Freight Transport Activity
TransportRoad Freight Transport Activity
TransportRoad Freight Transport Activity
TransportRoad Freight Transport Activity