NTA79 - Persons who indicated their willingness to buy an EV and Influencing factorsTransportPersons who indicated their willingness to buy an EV and Influencing factors
NTA78 - Persons who do not own an Electric Vehicle (EV) but would be willing to buy oneTransportPersons who do not own an Electric Vehicle (EV) but would be willing to buy one
NTA77 - Persons who do not own an electric vehicle and reasons for not owningTransportPersons who do not own an electric vehicle and reasons for not owning
Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership
TransportRoad Freight Activity
TransportPassenger Journeys by Public Transport
Monthly volume of bicycles at selected Dublin sites
NTA03 - Journeys taken on travel reference day by Day of Week, Year and StatisticTransportJourneys taken on travel reference day by Day of Week, Year and Statistic
Distribution of journeys
Distribution of journeys
Distribution of journeys
These public transport operators' GTFS files are updated every time a service timetable is changed. If there was a previous version it will be over written. The validity period for each operator's Schedule is declared in the appropriate manner within in the individual GTFS...
Locations available for Parking of vehicles in County Roscommon. Includes car parks not maintained by Roscommon County Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2012, Update Frequency:...
Locations available for Parking of vehicles in County Roscommon. Includes car parks not maintained by Roscommon County Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2012, Update Frequency:...
TransportPrincipal Commodities Conveyed by Rail
TransportRail Traffic
TransportPassenger Journeys by Rail (Thousand)
TransportTonnage of Goods Handled at Irish Ports
TransportTractors Licensed for the First Time