Register of Protected Areas - SPA Conservation Objective Habitat Groundwater Waterbodies (WFD RBM...EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD Groundwater Waterbodies intersecting with Designated Special Protection Areas Conservation Objective Habitats under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds...
EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot of Shellfish Classified Areas taken at the end of 2018 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 3
Register of Protected Areas - Nutrient Sensitive Areas Surface Waterbodies (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD Surface Waterbodies intersecting with designated Nutrient Sensitive Areas waterbodies in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban...
This dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessments of Trophic Status carried out on Irish Transitional Waters for the Reporting period 2018-2020.
This dataset shows water quality monitoring and assessment of Trophic Status carried out on Irish Coastal Waters for the Reporting period 2018-2020.
EnvironmentThese Catchment Projects are areas where there are already projects ongoing at catchment scale, or where funding or plans are in place, which will have benefits for water quality protection/restoration during WFD Cycle 3. They include community initiatives (like Rivers...
Focused Delivery Flow Paths are the areas of converging runoff that results in an increasing accumulation of flow. It is important to consider the available source of phosphorus in these contributing areas when deciding whether to target measures (check the underlying PIP-CSA...
Focused Flow Delivery Points are where Focused Flow Paths enter a watercourse. The size of the point indicates the relative volume of flow delivered to water. This map was created from outputs from the EPA DiffuseTools Research Project.
Nitrate Critical Source Area (CSA) are where there is a source of N from agricultural areas and the land is susceptible to losses. This ‘High PIP’ (Rank 1, 2 or 3) is typically due to the presence of freely draining soils and moderate/high livestock intensity. Target these...
Phosphorus Critical Source Area (CSA) are where there is a diffuse source of P from agricultural areas and the land is susceptible to losses. This ‘High PIP’ (Rank 1, 2 or 3) is typically due to the presence of poorly draining soils and moderate/high livestock intensity....
EnvironmentThis dataset was developed for the River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018 – 2021 (second cycle River Basin Management Plan). The Areas for Action are areas where action will be carried out in the second cycle. The data consists of polygon geometry representing the...
Water Framework Directive (WFD) Coastal Waterbody unit within Irish waters. According to the WFD Article 2(7) “‘Coastal water’ means surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest...
Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Waterbodies (RWB) are the management and reporting units for the WFD. WFD RWB is a polyline shapefile dataset which is formed from a water flow routes dataset. Waterbodies are assigned types depending on their likely WFD status...
These are the lake waterbody polygons delineated in accordance with Guidance Document No. 9: Implementing the Geographical Information System Elements (GIS) of the Water Framework Directive (2003) and Guidance Document No. 22: Updated Guidance on Implementing the Geographical...
Dataset relating to WFD River Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
Dataset relating to WFD Ground Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
EnvironmentThe EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface water and groundwater. All Groundwater Waterbodies (GWB) are represented as polygons. They are validated by scientists in the Geological Survey...
Dataset relating to WFD Lake Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
Dataset relating to WFD Transitional Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
EnvironmentEU Water Framework Directive Transitional Waterbodies boundaries for Ireland. Transitional waters connect fresh waters such as rivers and marine waters, for example estuaries. The goal of The Water Framework Directive is to achieve a good status for all of Europe's surface...