EDA02 - Domiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level InstitutionsEducation and SportDomiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level Institutions
Education and SportMainstream National Schools and Pupils in Ordinary Classes
Education and SportEducational Institutions
Education and SportPersons in Receipt of Full-time Education
Education and SportEnrolments of Full-Time Students
Education and SportExpenditure on Students
EDA15 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Education and SportRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
Education and SportStudents Enrolled in and Entrants to Third Level Courses
Education and SportStudents from Ireland and Northern Ireland
EDA03 - Students from Ireland and Northern Ireland Enrolled in Third Level InstitutionsEducation and SportStudents from Ireland and Northern Ireland Enrolled in Third Level Institutions
Education and SportLeaving Certificate Programme (LCP) Subject Provision and Take Up
Education and SportJunior Certificate Programme Subject Provision and Take Up
Education and SportSecond Level Teachers
Education and SportSecond Chance Education
Education and SportProvision and Take up of Second Level Programmes
Education and SportPupils enrolled in Second-Level Schools
Education and SportMainstream National Schools Taught Through Irish Only
EDA54 - Leavers from Mainstream Classes in National Schools (1st October to 30th September)Education and SportLeavers from Mainstream Classes in National Schools (1st October to 30th September)
Education and SportNational Schools and Pupils by Teacher Size of School
Education and SportAverage Class Size in Mainstream National Schools