Performance metrics for by year No. of New Children Referred Going Forward From Fostering to Adoption
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred to Family Support Services by School
Performance metrics for by year No. of Relative Foster Carers Unapproved
Performance metrics for by year No. of Approved Relative Foster Carers with an Allocated Link Worker
A well is a hole dug into the ground usually for the purpose of taking water from the ground but also for monitoring groundwater. Most private wells are used for home and farm water supplies are in rural areas. Springs occur where groundwater comes out at the surface. A...
Before building new structures engineering companies carry out a site investigation to find out the quality of the ground (strength and depth of soil and to see if rock and or groundwater is present). These investigations involve digging holes such as trial pits and boreholes....
A borehole is any hole drilled or dug into the ground. The material (soil and or rock) from the hole is collected and tested in a laboratory to find out the structure and type of the soil and or rock beneath the ground. A borehole record or log is a written description of the...
Minerals are naturally occurring; they are not made by humans. They are inorganic in that they have never been alive and are not made up from plants or animals. They are solid, not liquids (like water), or gases (like the air around you). Each one is made of a particular mix...
Bedrock is the solid rock at or below the land surface. Over much of Ireland, the bedrock is covered by materials such as soil and gravel. The Bedrock map shows what the land surface of Ireland would be made up of if these materials were removed. As the bedrock is commonly...
The Quarry Directory shows the location of sand and gravel, crushed rock and dimension stone quarries in Ireland. A questionnaire was sent to all known active quarries and pits (around 1,700). A location map (Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) 1:50,000 Discovery Series) was...
Landslide locations and extents help us locate where landslides have occurred. Ireland's location, terrain and climate result in landslides occurring mainly in areas with steep slopes where rock meets the surface and peat covers the terrain. Landslides have the potential to...
Bedrock is the solid rock at or below the land surface. Over much of Ireland, the bedrock is covered by materials such as soil and gravel. The Bedrock map shows what the land surface of Ireland would be made up of if these materials were removed. As the bedrock is commonly...
The Dublin Soil Urban Geochemistry Project is a baseline survey of heavy metals and organic chemicals in topsoils in the greater Dublin area. Topsoil is the upper surface layer of the soil and this geochemical baseline survey measures the amount and type of chemicals in these...
The 1:500k bedrock maps provide a simplified, smaller scale view of the bedrock geology of Ireland. The map was created in 2013 using the detailed 1:100k geology linework and polygons, which was adjusted and scaled to provide the best representation of the geology at this...
AgricultureFreedom of information (FOI) disclosure logs received by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine from January 2016 to January 2022. The Department is committed to promoting transparency though the routine publication of information and will publish further material...
Section 10, Planning and Development Act 2005 requires that all Local Authorities consider the character of the landscape when drawing up objectives for their new county development plans, in the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. Landscape Character...
Section 10, Planning and Development Act 2005 requires that all Local Authorities consider the character of the landscape when drawing up objectives for their new county development plans, in the interests of proper planning and sustainable development. Landscape Character...
The Air Quality Index for Health (AQIH) is comprised of 6 regions as follows: Dublin, Cork, Large Towns (>15,000), Small Towns (5,000 – 15,000), Rural East and Rural West. The AQIH is calculated on an hourly basis using representative sampling from each region. Each region...
This is a points data set of the location of urban waste water emission points, at the estimated point at which the emission joins the surface water network.
This data set shows the Extractive Industry sites, as registered by local authorities, as required under the Waste Management (Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009. Please note the data is entered and maintained by local authorities and does not...