Education and SportPupils enrolled in Second-Level Schools
Education and SportMainstream National Schools Taught Through Irish Only
EDA54 - Leavers from Mainstream Classes in National Schools (1st October to 30th September)Education and SportLeavers from Mainstream Classes in National Schools (1st October to 30th September)
Education and SportNational Schools and Pupils by Teacher Size of School
Education and SportEarly Start Pre-school Programmes
Education and SportAverage Class Size in Mainstream National Schools
Education and SportMainstream Pupils repeating a Grade in Primary School
Education and SportPrimary Schools
Education and SportMainstream Pupils and Classes in Mainstream Primary Schools
Education and SportExpenditure on Education
EDA39 - Enrolment in Full-time Education as a Percentage of the Estimated PopulationEducation and SportEnrolment in Full-time Education as a Percentage of the Estimated Population
Education and SportMainstream Schools
EDA36 - Percentage of persons aged 20-24 years having Completed at Least Upper Second Level Educa...Education and SportPercentage of persons aged 20-24 years having Completed at Least Upper Second Level Education
EDA17 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Education and SportRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
EDA16 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Education and SportRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
Education and SportLeaving Certificate Applied Results
Education and SportJunior Certificate Results
Education and SportLeaving Certificate Candidates and Results
Education and SportJunior and Leaving Certificate Examination Candidates
Education and SportPersons Aged 15-64