EDA02 - Domiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level InstitutionsEducation and SportDomiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level Institutions
Education and SportMainstream National Schools and Pupils in Ordinary Classes
Education and SportEducational Institutions
Education and SportPersons in Receipt of Full-time Education
Education and SportEnrolments of Full-Time Students
Education and SportExpenditure on Students
EDA15 - Retention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)Education and SportRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools (1999 Entry Cohort Onwards)
Education and Sport30 to 34 Year Olds with at least a Third Level Qualification
EDQ08 - 20 to 24 Year Olds with at least a Higher Secondary Level EducationEducation and Sport20 to 24 Year Olds with at least a Higher Secondary Level Education
Education and SportEarly School Leavers Aged 18-24
Education and SportUnemployment Rate of Persons 25-64 years
Education and SportEmployment Rate of Persons 25-64 years
Education and SportLabour Force Participation Rate of Persons Aged 25-64 years
Education and SportPersons Aged 25-64
Education and SportTraining Strategies
Education and SportTraining Strategies
CVT16 - The most important skills for the development of the enterprise in the coming yearsEducation and SportThe most important skills for the development of the enterprise in the coming years
CVT15 - The most important skills for the development of the enterprise in the coming yearsEducation and SportThe most important skills for the development of the enterprise in the coming years
CVT14 - Factors limiting training enterprises in the provision of trainingEducation and SportFactors limiting training enterprises in the provision of training
CVT13 - Factors limiting training enterprises in the provision of trainingEducation and SportFactors limiting training enterprises in the provision of training