Secondary Schools Certificate Examinations
Persons on the Live Register
Legal Tender Notes and Coinage
CEPHA17 - Industrial Disputes: Number of Disputes, Work People Involved, and Working Days LostGovernmentIndustrial Disputes: Number of Disputes, Work People Involved, and Working Days Lost
Revised Deaths Occuring
Revised Deaths Occuring
Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 2) (Base 2021=100)
AEA09 - Volume Indices for Output, Input and Income in Agriculture (Base 2020 = 100)AgricultureVolume Indices for Output, Input and Income in Agriculture (Base 2020 = 100)
Army Force by Rank
New Companies Registered with a Share Capital
Teachers Employed in National Schools
Index of Agricultural Prices
Five-Year Standardised Mortality Rate
Five-Year Age-Standardised Mortality Rate
Amount of Exchequer Receipts
Revised Deaths Occurring
Total Commodities Conveyed by Freight Trains
GovernmentNew Motor Vehicles Registered and Licensed for the First Time
Capital Liabilities and Assets
Amount of Exchequer Issues