Deployment of the wave buoy at site Brandon Bay (52° 16.054' N, -11° 54.287' W) on 24/06/2024. Recovered on 14/02/2025. Brandon Buoy wave buoy was not successfully recovered. Technicaians went to recover buoy on 14 February 2025 and could not locate the buoy. The purpose of...
This dataset contains the data returned from a CTD sensor associated with the tide gauge at Galway Port, Co. Galway, Ireland. The dataset begins in November 2024 and data collection is currently ongoing. There is a Sea-Bird SBE37 installed at the site collecting temperature,...
The Argo Float 6901939 was deployed on 04/05/2021 at 57.8357 N, -9.0694 W. The most current measurement was taken on 20/02/2024. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901938 was deployed on 09/03/2021 at 53.2603 N, -15.668 W. The most current measurement was taken on 13/02/2025. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901937 was deployed on 05/09/2020 at 75.0006 N, -11.1117 W. The most current measurement was taken on 10/02/2025. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901930 was deployed on 27/03/2018 at 55.0845 N, -13.97 W. The most current measurement was taken on 17/02/2025. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6901922 was deployed on 15/04/2016 at 48.543 N, -39.769 W. The most current measurement was taken on 06/10/2024. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6900649 was deployed on 10/03/2008 at 52.583 N, -15.804 W. The most current measurement was taken on 03/02/2009. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6900648 was deployed on 12/03/2008 at 55.508 N, -14.198 W. The most current measurement was taken on 25/01/2013. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6900647 was deployed on 12/03/2008 at 54.513 N, -13.981 W. The most current measurement was taken on 24/06/2013. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6900445 was deployed on 06/03/2011 at 50.645 N, -38.914 W. The most current measurement was taken on 17/08/2014. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
The Argo Float 6900444 was deployed on 10/03/2011 at 51.786 N, -25.818 W. The most current measurement was taken on 27/04/2017. The autonomous floats drift on the ocean currents for 10 days at 1000 m before diving to its profiling depth of 2000 m, taking ocean property...
EnvironmentCycle Lanes in Galway City
Anonymised LPIS data for 2023. The following attributes are available 1) LPIS Data: Applicant Herd, Herd Number, Parcel Label, Claimed Area, Crop, Digitised Area, Eligible Hectare, Commonage Denominator, Commonage Numerator, Subdivision, Commonage Indicator,...
The Data available includes: Year, Eligible Hectares, Practice Type, SFN Area, SFN %, Obligation Area, County
UA41 - Enrolments in Primary and Secondary Education of Arrivals from UkraineGovernmentEnrolments in Primary and Secondary Education of Arrivals from Ukraine
This file contains the Derelict Sites Register for DLR. A Derelict Site - means any property/land which detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the amenity, character or appearance of land in the neighbourhood in question because of neglected or unsightly...
This Data set contains detail of the monthly figures of customers in person attending Fingal County Council Offices and the volume of electronic communications (i.e. emails) to the email address CustomerCare@fingal.ie from 2024 to 2027 inclusive. The amount of telephone calls...
This Data set contains detail of the monthly figures of customers in person attending Fingal County Council Offices and the volume of electronic communications (i.e. emails) to the email address CustomerCare@fingal.ie from 2021 to 2024 inclusive. The amount of telephone calls...
This Data Set contains the number of Public Representation issued on CRM Management System from Councilor"s and member of the public in which the issues are logged and then assigned to staff members and department for Resolution on behalf of Fingal County Council. This...