Performance metrics for by year No. of Cases Awaiting Allocation that are High Priority
Performance metrics for by year No. of Relative Foster Carers Unapproved
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care (All Placement Types) in a Private Placement
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Active on the CPNS (7 to 12 Months)
QLF43 - Labour Market Underutilisation for Persons aged 15 Years or more as a share of the Total ...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeHealthLabour Market Underutilisation for Persons aged 15 Years or more as a share of the Total Labour Force
QLF42 - Labour Market Underutilisation for Persons aged 15 Years or more as a share of the Total ...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeHealthLabour Market Underutilisation for Persons aged 15 Years or more as a share of the Total Labour Force
WBD09 - Percentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy wo...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeHealthPercentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy works in their own country, Spring 2023
HealthHospital Admissions
WBD05 - Students in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in ReadingHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeHealthStudents in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in Reading
WBD04 - Students in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in MathematicsHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeHealthStudents in OECD Countries at Level 3 Proficiency in Mathematics
HealthRivers with High or Good Ambient Water Quality
WBD09 - Percentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy wo...HealthPercentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy works in their own country, Spring 2023
HealthThis dataset provides updates on Tree data in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as ID, Age, Condition, Proximity, Building-Number, Street Area, Stem-Diameter, Spread Height and Species
Fire and Ambulance Annual Incident Activity Log Dublin Fire Brigade (DF) and Ambulance (DA) annual incident activity logs. Fields include date, area of incident (district ID) and response time data. The fields from MOB through to CD are generated by the vehicle (either by a...
Health Service Executive funding and financial reportingHealthHealth Service Executive funding is routed through the Department of Health. In 2022 there was a difference in the voted expenditure and determined amount. An update is provided on the Parliamentary Budget Office paper on the alignment of funding between the Vote and the HSE.
HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service – Subject to a Child in Care Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in an "Other" Placement Type with an Allocated Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year Child Abuse Referrals - Number that had a Preliminary Enquiry
No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Single Agency Family Support Pla...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Single Agency Family Support Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Relative Foster Carers Unapproved