TABLE 4.16: HIPE Report: TABLE 4.16 Total Discharges: MDC 14 Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerp...HealthMDC 14 Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium: AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient).The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are clusters of cases with similar...
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TABLE 2.2: HIPE Report: TABLE 2.2 Total Discharges : Patient Type by Marital/Civil Status (N, %,...HealthDisaggregates total discharges by patient type (day patient and in-patient) and marital/civil status. For the length of stay analysis, in-patient discharges are disaggregated into sameday and overnight in-patient discharges. Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual...
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TABLE 5.25: HIPE Report: Total Discharges: MDC 23 Factors Influencing Health Status and Other Con...HealthMDC 23 Factors Influencing Health Status and Other Contacts with Health Services: AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient). The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are...
TABLE 2.1a: HIPE Report: Total Discharges (excl. Maternity): Patient Type by Age Group (N, % Bed ...HealthDisaggregates total discharges (excl. Maternity) by patient type (day patient and in-patient) and age group. In-patient discharges are disaggregated into acute and extended stay discharges. Acute in-patient discharges are defined as those with a length of stay of 30 days or...
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Figure 1.6 Actual population and projected population by age group, Ireland and EU-28, 2014 and 2031HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
Table 4.4 Number of people in Ireland registered with the Physical and Sensory Disability Databas...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
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Table 4.5 Intellectual disability services - number of persons availing of day services, 2006 to ...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
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TABLE 4.19: HIPE Report: TABLE 4.19 Total Discharges: MDC 17 Neoplastic Disorders (Haematologica...HealthMDC 17 Neoplastic Disorders (Haematological and Solid Neoplasms): AR-DRG by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient).The MDC is a category generally based on a single body system or aetiology that is associated with a particular medical specialty. DRGs are clusters of cases...
Figure 5.2 Proportion of staff employed in the public health service in each grade category, Sept...HealthPublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)