This dataset provides a summary of the total GLAS payments for 2019 for each applicable Land Action, summed up over each County. Different Land Actions are measured in different units, for example area in hectares or a total number of boxes for Conservation of Bees/Bats etc....
Merged and anonymised LPIS and N&P for 2021 The following attributes are available: 1) LPIS Data HOLDING_ID, LNU_PARCEL_ID, DIGITISED_AREA, MEA, CLAIMED_AREA, CROP_DESC, COMMONAGE_INDICATOR, COMMONAGE_FRACTION, SUB_DIVISION ID, GLAS Farm Status; ANC Indicator, GLAS...
DAFM National Water Quality Review Implementation Map for 2024AgricultureWater Quality Review Implementation Map for 2024 - Maximum stocking rate of 220 kg livestock manure nitrogen per hectare applies for Nitrates Derogation holdings in these areas for 2024.
2021 Ireland official Wild birds avian influenza test resultsAgricultureAvian influenza PCR test results of wild birds sampled in Ireland over the period Jan 2021 to Dec 2021. When possible, further virus typing of H and N antigens in positive samples recorded. Wild bird species, tissue(s) sampled and approximate location of wild bird discovery...
Estate management in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the MarineAgricultureThe report examines how the Department manages its property portfolio, anticipates related risks and ensures adequate maintenance of its properties. The report also examines how the Department accounts for its properties in accordance with standard public financial procedures...
AgricultureLand Utilisation
Number of Cattle in June
Age Group of Farm Holder
Average Age of Holder
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
Agricultural Holdings
AgricultureLand Utilisation
Agricultural Holdings
Farms with Livestock
Annual Fisheries Landings Statistics - 2021/ 2022 Interactive MapAgricultureAll Weight and Value Landed into Ireland by vessels of all Nationalities and Irish Vessels Landing outside of Ireland in 2021 (not all ports are included)
Key Species Prices Table 2021, based on all vessel nationalities landing into Ireland, and sourced from Sales Notes.
Piers and Harbours of Galway County.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for...
AgricultureYacht Mooring Locations available on the Coast of Galway, Ireland. Links are provided to bathymmetry maps of the locations.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County...
Public Moorings and Piers in County Roscommon. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2011, Update Frequency: As Required. Roscommon County Council provides this information with the...