Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Work Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Work Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Income of individuals aged 25-59 years
Income of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID17 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsGovernmentEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID16 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsGovernmentEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID15 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsGovernmentEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID14 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsGovernmentEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
Satisfaction of individuals aged 25-59 years
SID29 - Long-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 yearsGovernmentLong-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
GovernmentHighest Level of Education of Individuals aged 25-59 years
Health Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
GovernmentHighest Level of Education of individuals aged 25-59 years
Highest Level of Education Attained by Either Parent
This dataset is a digital representation of the HWM pre 2019. The latest dataset is High Water Mark - National Water Marks - Ungeneralised – 2024, see link <https://data-osi.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/osi::high-water-mark-national-water-marks-ungeneralised-2024/about>
GovernmentName, Party, Electoral area, address and contact details for County Clare Councillors / Elected members
The Engineering Areas dataset defines the boundaries for the local area offices. There may be slight variations that operate depending on the service area, eg water, roads. This is to allow for the natural divisions that occur in inftrastruture.