Distribution of journeys
Please note that the National Transport Authority has transitioned to a new version of the GTFS Realtime API - this new API was made available on the 13th March 2023. The existing API will continue to function for a number of weeks to allow for testing of and the transition...
NeTEx is a CEN Technical Standard (CEN/TS 16614) for exchanging Public Transport schedules, fares and related passenger information data. It describes an XML schema based on the CEN Transmodel reference model. The Irish NeTEx profile specifies how to render Irish Public...
These public transport operators' GTFS files are updated every time a service timetable is changed. If there was a previous version it will be over written. The validity period for each operator's Schedule is declared in the appropriate manner within in the individual GTFS...
Locations available for Parking of vehicles in County Roscommon. Includes car parks not maintained by Roscommon County Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2012, Update Frequency:...
Locations available for Parking of vehicles in County Roscommon. Includes car parks not maintained by Roscommon County Council. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2012, Update Frequency:...
TransportPrincipal Commodities Conveyed by Rail
TransportRail Traffic
TransportPassenger Journeys by Rail (Thousand)
TransportTonnage of Goods Handled at Irish Ports
TransportTractors Licensed for the First Time
TransportNew Vehicles Licenced for the First Time
TransportGoods Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportOther Vehicles Licensed for the First Time
TransportPrivate Cars Licensed for the First Time
TBQ03 - Passenger and Commercial Vehicles (Roll On/Roll Off) HandledHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeTransportPassenger and Commercial Vehicles (Roll On/Roll Off) Handled
TransportMaritime Container Cargo (Lift On/ Lift Off Handled)
TransportTonnage of Goods Handled
TransportNew Vehicles Licensed for the First Time