GovernmentServices Trade
GovernmentStillbirths and Infant Mortality per 1000 Births
GovernmentAnnual Non-Consolidated Financial Balance Sheet
GFQ02 - General Government Net Worth, Gross and Net Debt ESA 2010HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentGeneral Government Net Worth, Gross and Net Debt ESA 2010
GFA04 - General Government: Detailed classification of expenditure and consumptionHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentGeneral Government: Detailed classification of expenditure and consumption
GFA03 - General Government: Detailed classification of revenue and outputHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentGeneral Government: Detailed classification of revenue and output
GFA01 - General Government Transactions ESA 2010: Revenue, Expenditure, Financing and DeficitHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeGovernmentGeneral Government Transactions ESA 2010: Revenue, Expenditure, Financing and Deficit
GovernmentBirth Rates
EconomyProdcom Sales 2019
EconomyProdcom Sales 2018
EconomyProdcom Sales 2017
EconomyProdcom Sales 2016
EconomyRetail Sales Index (NACE Rev 2) (Base 2015=100)
EconomyIndustrial Price Index (Excl VAT)
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the most recent 26 hours of observations for buoy M6. It is not Quality Controlled and is uploaded directly from the buoy. It includes the following hourly parameters: Mean Sea Level Pressure (pressure) Mean Wind Direction (windDir) Mean Wind Speed km/h...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the most recent 26 hours of observations for buoy M5. It is not Quality Controlled and is uploaded directly from the buoy. It includes the following hourly parameters: Mean Sea Level Pressure (pressure) Mean Wind Direction (windDir) Mean Wind Speed km/h...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the most recent 26 hours of observations for buoy M4. It is not Quality Controlled and is uploaded directly from the buoy. It includes the following hourly parameters: Mean Sea Level Pressure (pressure) Mean Wind Direction (windDir) Mean Wind Speed km/h...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the most recent 26 hours of observations for buoy M3. It is not Quality Controlled and is uploaded directly from the buoy. It includes the following hourly parameters: Mean Sea Level Pressure (pressure) Mean Wind Direction (windDir) Mean Wind Speed km/h...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the most recent 26 hours of observations for buoy M2. It is not Quality Controlled and is uploaded directly from the buoy. It includes the following hourly parameters: Mean Sea Level Pressure (pressure) Mean Wind Direction (windDir) Mean Wind Speed km/h...
National Coastal Extreme Water Level Estimation Points (ICWWS 2018 – Phase 1)HIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksEnvironmentThis dataset provides an estimate of extreme water levels around the coast of Ireland for a range of Annual Exceedance Probabilities (AEPs). Extreme water level estimates are provided for present day sea levels as well as the Mid-Range Future Scenario (MRFS), High End Future...