Audit Conducted by Community And Enterprise Section Galway County Council in 2012.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or...
TransportThis data set shows where protected cycle facilities exist in Dublin Metropolitan Area on both sides of the road. It included segregated Cycle Tracks, Protected Cycle Lanes, signed Quietways on low speed and low trafficked streets, and vehicular traffic free links and Urban...
A protected structure is a structure that the Planning Authority considers to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view. The Planning Authority in its Record of Protected...
A protected structure is a structure that the Planning Authority considers to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view. The Planning Authority in its Record of Protected...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
DMAPS will determine the broad area where ORE projects can be developed, and will act as a management plan for a specific area of our marine waters.
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
HousingThe Government’s Housing For All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland proposed a new tax to activate vacant land for residential purposes as a part of the Pathway to Increasing New Housing Supply. The Residential Zoned Land Tax was introduced by the Finance Act 2021 . The...
Galway County Council Winter Service Plan Routes Priority 1,2 and 3 roads.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage...
Flood Zone B: Moderate probability of flooding - Where the probability of flooding from rivers and the sea is moderate (between 0.1% or 1 in 1000 and 1% or 1 in 100 for river flooding and between 0.1% or 1 in 1000 year and 0.5% or 1 in 200 for coastal flooding).
Flood Zone A: High probability of flooding - Where the probability of flooding from rivers and the sea is highest (greater than 1% or 1 in 100 for river flooding or 0.5% or 1 in 200 for coastal flooding).
Integrated tourism / leisure / recreational (ITLR) complexes are medium to large-scale leisure and recreational developments that will often include accommodation facilities. The development of a limited number of exceptionally high quality integrated tourism, leisure and...
The strategy and policies for retailing set out in this plan have been prepared having regard to the guidance set out in the ‘Retail Planning Guidelines for planning authorities’ (DoECLG, 2012). This development plan addresses the list of matters to be considered in a plan, as...
This chapter sets out the Settlement Strategy for County Wicklow. The Settlement Strategy is in accordance with the Strategic Policy Context and Core Strategy. It sets out the strategy for the future development of settlements and the rural area. In particular it sets out the...
This chapter will set out the objectives of the County Development Plan for the sustainable development of Wicklow’s economy that are relevant to and implementable through a land-use plan. Economic opportunity is identified as one of the over-arching and cross cutting themes...
A ‘protected structure’ is any structure or specified part of a structure, which is included in the RPS. The purpose of the RPS is to protect structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical,...
A ‘protected structure’ is any structure or specified part of a structure, which is included in the RPS. The purpose of the RPS is to protect structures, or parts of structures, which form part of the architectural heritage and which are of special architectural, historical,...