LRW13 - Number of Persons on the Live Register, in receipt of the PUP and supported by the TWSS o...GovernmentNumber of Persons on the Live Register, in receipt of the PUP and supported by the TWSS or EWSS
Persons in receipt of the TWSS and EWSS
LRM20 - Number of Persons on the Live Register, in receipt of the PUP and supported by the TWSS o...GovernmentNumber of Persons on the Live Register, in receipt of the PUP and supported by the TWSS or EWSS
New entrants to the PUP, TWSS or EWSS
Average Number of Registered Weekly Deaths 2016-2019
Live Register Recipients and Non-Recipients
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Casual and Part-time Workers on the Live Register
Persons on Live Register
Persons on the Live Register
Persons on Live Register
Live Register Activation Programmes
Second Level Schools and Pupils
National School Pupils
Second-Level Schools