EnvironmentAnnouncement: The upgrade of the api will result in termination of the old 'metwdb-openaccess.ichec.ie' URL by 15th September. This is replaced with 'openaccess.pf.api.met.ie'. URLs of the form: http://metwdb-openaccess.ichec.ie/metno-wdb2ts/locationforecast should...
EnvironmentRecycling Centres located throughout Co. Wicklow.
This dataset has no description
EnvironmentThis link is to a csv file called "TodaysObservations.csv" which contains a list of the latest observations from our synoptic weather station network as reported on https://www.met.ie/latest-reports/observations. Parameters include the following: Station Temperature (ºC),...
Geochemistry of streams sediments can be used to screen for rare minerals and thus help developing local resources. Knowing composition of stream sediments helps to understand what rocks were eroded by the water, where they came from and what resources they might contain....
This data comprises wave data collected from the SmartBay buoy moored in Galway Bay. The TRIAXYS Directional Wave Sensor collects wave data and returns the following parameters: No Zero Crossings (Number) HAvg (Average Wave Height) (Meters) Tz (Mean Spectral Period) (Seconds)...
EnvironmentA Nature Reserve is an area of importance to wildlife, which is protected under Ministerial order. Most are owned by the State. However, some are owned by organisations or private landowners, and persons interested in acquiring statutory protection for their lands can seek...
The 9DOF (9 Degrees of Freedom) sensor measures and reports linear and angular accelerations along three axis plus spatial orientation using a combination of sensors. The sensor includes the ADXL345 accelerometer, the HMC5883L magnetometer, and the ITG-3200 MEMS gyro.
EnvironmentReal time data and services of ocean wave information from moored wave buoy in Cork Harbour. Parameters collected include, dateTime (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss), Peak Period (secs), Peak Direction (DegreesTrue), Upcross Period (secs) and Significant Wave Height (cm).
Ancient and Long-established Woodland Inventory 2010EnvironmentAncient woodland refers to those woods that have had a continuous history of cover since before the period when planting and afforestation became common practice (mid‐1600s). These woodlands are important in terms of their biological and cultural value, and may even form links...
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) National DatasetEnvironmentThe National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) is a state initiative under the administration of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and established on a statutory basis under the provisions of the Architectural Heritage (National Inventory) and...
EnvironmentBefore the Habitats Directive, only four lagoons were at all well known in Ireland (Lady’s Island Lake, Tacumshin Lake, Lough Murree, Furnace Lough) and very few biological studies had been published. Under the obligations of the Directive, the National Parks and Wildlife...
Streams are important parts of our ecosystem and crucial water sources. Knowing composition of stream waters helps to understand where it came from and how it can be used. Geochemists test stream water samples using different methods to see the spread of elements and ions...
This data comprises water quality data collected from the SmartBay buoy moored in Cork Harbour. The SeaBird SBE 37-SM MicroCAT sensor used to collect this data is a high-accuracy conductivity, temperature and pressure recorder.
EnvironmentWave climate forecasts including significant wave height, mean wave period, mean wave direction, wave per unit crest length, peak period and energy period at Marine Institute weather and wave buoy locations.
EnvironmentSoil is the outside layer of Earth. It is a made up of living organisms, gases, minerals, and organic matter. Knowing what elements are in the soil helps to work out where it came from and how it was made. Deeper soil samples for the northern half of Ireland were collected by...
This project contains NPWS GIS files relevant to the distribution of Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and Nore Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera durrovensis) in Ireland. Both species are listed in Annex II and Annex V of the EU Habitats Directive. The...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains a register of Aquaculture Businesses listed obtained Fish Health Authorisation from the Marine Institute. All Registers are published and presented in accordance with the models outlined in COMMISSION DECISION 2008/392/EC of 30 April 2008 implementing...
This data comprises weather data collected from the SmartBay buoy moored in Galway Bay. The Airmar Weather Station used to collect this data collects wind, temperature and pressure data and returns the following parameters: Latitude and Longitude Air Temperature (Degrees...
EnvironmentThe National Survey of Native Woodlands in Ireland included the survey of 1,217 woodland sites across all 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland during 2003-2007. Site selection was carried out using the Forest Inventory Planning System 1998 (FIPS) and local knowledge. Surveys...