Health Service Executive funding and financial reportingHealthHealth Service Executive funding is routed through the Department of Health. In 2022 there was a difference in the voted expenditure and determined amount. An update is provided on the Parliamentary Budget Office paper on the alignment of funding between the Vote and the HSE.
Cycle Counters Data from Totem Pole Cycle Counters are in the following Locations Coast Road, Castleknock Road and Morton Stadium within Fingal County Council for January 2022 to December 2022 (1) Coast Road - Latitude 53.36152 Longitude -6.1816 (2) Castleknock Road -...
This data set contains the Monthly Visitors via Pedestrian Access Gates to Malahide Demesne from 2019 to 2022 inclusive see the new data set from 2023 onwards.Malahide Castle Demesne and parkland boasts pleasant walks, play areas, sporting facilities. This wonderful 268 acre...
Details of Life Guard Stations on Fingal County Council Public Beaches for Bathing Season 2023 which runs from 1st June to 1st September 2023.See another data set Water Quality Beaches 2023 for information on Water Quality of the Beaches within Fingal County Council.Once off...
This map shows those areas where Technical Guidance Document - C is to be used. The map is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological information including, bedrock type, quaternary geology, soil permeability and aquifer type.
This map shows those areas where radon tests are required in workplaces. These areas are shown in red. This map is based on the radon risk map of Ireland. It is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological information including, bedrock type, quaternary...
This map shows a prediction of the number of the houses in any one area that are likely to have high radon levels. Those areas in red are most at risk from radon and are called High Radon Areas. The map is based on an analysis of indoor radon measurements plus geological...
This chapter provides an overview of the State Claims Agency’s (SCA) management of the Clinical Indemnity Scheme and focuses on incident reporting, claims and the key cost drivers. It also provides an overview of how the SCA ensures that lessons learned from past cases are...
This report reviews the impact of the cyber attack in May 2021 on the Health Service Executive (HSE) and other health bodies. It examines the HSE's cyber attack preparedness, the financial impact of the attack and the status of implementation of PWC's post incident review...
Emergency procurement of ventilators by the Health Service ExecutiveHealthThis report presents the findings of an examination of the emergency procurement of ventilators by the Health Service Executive in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The report recommends that the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform/Office of...
You don’t need to own a bike to get cycling you can sign up for Bleeper or Tier and unlock a bike or e bike to use whenever you need one. These bikes are ideal for daily trips to work or training or the shops as well as leisure too. So whatever you are thinking about cycling...
You don’t need to own a bike to get cycling you can sign up for Bleeper or Tier and unlock a bike or e bike to use whenever you need one. These bikes are ideal for daily trips to work or training or the shops as well as leisure too. So whatever you are thinking about cycling...
Raw Data of Traffic Flow Hour by Hour for Ardgillan Castle and Gardens for 2022Data on Traffic Volume to Ardgillan Demesne - 2022 to data Ardgillan park is unique among Dublin’s regional parks for the magnificent views it enjoys of the coastline. A panorama, taking in...
Hour by hour raw data on Vehicular access to Ardgillan Demense from 2018 to 2021 inclusive.2022 is now in a new data set see (Ardgillan Traffic Flow _Raw Data 2022)Closed Data (Historical)
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Surface Water Bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 3)HealthThe lake drinking water protected areas (DWPA) are represented by the full extent of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) lake waterbodies from which there is a known qualifying abstraction of water for human consumption as defined under Article 7 of the WFD. This dataset...
WFD Register of Protected Areas - River Water Bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 3)HealthThe river drinking water protected areas (DWPA) are represented by the full extent of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) river waterbodies from which there is a known qualifying abstraction of water for human consumption as defined under Article 7 of the WFD. This dataset...
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Groundwater bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 3)HealthAll Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater bodies have been identified as Drinking Water Protected Areas due to the potential for qualifying abstractions of water for human consumption as defined under Article 7 of the WFD. The groundwater drinking water protected areas...
WFD Register of Protected Areas - River Water Bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)HealthThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. These are the drinking water river lines delineated in accordance with European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 (SI no. 278/2007).
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Groundwater bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)HealthThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. These are the Drinking water groundwater body polygons delineated in accordance with European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 (SI no. 278/2007).
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Surface Water Bodies for Drinking Water (WFD RBMP Cycle 2)HealthThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. These are the Drinking water surface water body polygons delineated in accordance with European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 (SI no. 278/2007).