Harbour porpoise surveys in Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC, 2015EnvironmentA visual survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in 2015 in the Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Static Acoustic Monitoring (SAM) through the deployment of C-PODs was carried out at two sites...
Bottlenose dolphins in the Lower River Shannon SAC, 2022EnvironmentDedicated boat-based transects to visually survey bottlenose dolphins were carried out in the Lower River Shannon SAC (Site Code 002165) over twelve days on fixed, pre-determined routes between June and September 2022.
Harbour porpoise surveys in Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, 2021EnvironmentIn order to contribute to the Department Housing, Local Government & Heritage (DHLGH) site management and surveillance, visual monitoring of harbour porpoises was carried out in Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC during the summer of 2021. This was the third dedicated line...
Boat-based Visual Surveys for Bottlenose Dolphins in the West Connacht Coast SAC in 2021EnvironmentVisual surveys for bottlenose dolphins were carried out between June and August 2021 in the West Connacht Coast SAC (Site Code 002998). This SAC was designated in 2013 with bottlenose dolphins as the sole qualifying interest. Dedicated line transects were carried out over...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Mackerel Egg Survey (MEGS) June 2019EnvironmentThe Mackerel egg survey is undertaken every 3 years by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) department of the Marine Institute of Ireland as part of a series of international egg surveys co-ordinated by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas...
Harbour porpoise surveys in the Blasket Islands SAC, 2018EnvironmentA set of visual surveys for Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in the Blasket Islands SAC in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a standardised design on six days between...
Abundance estimate and acoustic monitoring of Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in the Blasket ...EnvironmentA survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out within the Blasket Islands candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) to derive density and abundance estimates and carry out static acoustic monitoring. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried...
EnvironmentA visual and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in 2013 at two Special Areas of Conservation (Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, Co Dublin and Roaringwater Bay and Islands SAC, Co Cork) in order to derive local...
EnvironmentA single platform line-transect survey using distance sampling was carried out off the north coast of Ireland on 9 August 2012. Sea conditions were excellent throughout the survey with 100% of survey effort carried out in sea-state ≤3 and 63.5% in sea-state ≤1. A total of 178...
EnvironmentConcurrent visual and acoustic surveys for cetaceans were carried out within three survey blocks along the western seaboard of Ireland (Northwest – Block A, west – Block B and southwest – Block C) to investigate species distribution, relative abundance and absolute abundance...
Harbour porpoise surveys in the Blasket Islands SAC, 2014EnvironmentA visual and acoustic survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Blasket Islands SAC was carried out in 2014 in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a standardised design on six...
Bottlenose Dolphin Survey Lower River Shannon cSAC, 2010EnvironmentA population assessment of the bottlenose dolphins in the Lower River Shannon candidate SAC was undertaken between July and October 2010. Dolphins were located on each transect. During 12 transects a total of 64 dolphin groups were encountered with 547 individuals recorded....
Harbour porpoise surveys in Rocakbill to Dalkey Island SAC, 2016EnvironmentA visual survey of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) was carried out in the summer of 2016 within the Rockabill to Dalkey Island SAC, Co Dublin in order to derive local density and abundance estimates. Single platform line-transect surveys were carried out according to a...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS)...EnvironmentThe Western European Shelf Passive Acoustic Survey is an acoustic survey undertaken by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) Department of the Marine Institute of Ireland. The WESPAS provides a unique opportunity for surveillance of the summer distribution of...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2020EnvironmentIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe and are utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS)...EnvironmentThe Western European Shelf Passive Acoustic Survey is an acoustic survey undertaken by the Fisheries Ecosystems Advisory Services (FEAS) Department of the Marine Institute of Ireland. The WESPAS provides a unique opportunity for surveillance of the summer distribution of...
Cetacean Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2019EnvironmentA cetacean survey during the annual Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS), running from the 10th to the 28th of October 2019. A total of 204 sightings, were recorded throughout the survey. This includes 145 primary sightings, 38 sightings recorded as auxiliary sightings,...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) ...EnvironmentA seabird survey during the annual Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS), running from 13th of June to 4th of July and the 4th to 24th July 2019. A standard line transect survey methodology was employed by the seabird survey team with additional visual point...
EnvironmentThis report reviews the performance and examines how the effectiveness of two home retrofit schemes is assessed against targets. These schemes are funded by the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications and administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) ...EnvironmentIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe, utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under the EU...