CE20007 Celtic Explorer INFOMAR Hydrographical and Geophysical Mapping of the Celtic Sea 2020EnvironmentCE20007 INFOMAR hydrographical and geophysical survey took place in March/April 2020 in the North East Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Ireland and in the Celtic Sea on board the RV Celtic Explorer. The aims of the survey were to undertake a Multibeam Echo Sounder (MBES)...
CV21035 Celtic Voyager 2021 Mobility of Sediment Waves and Sand Banks in the Irish Sea Phase 2 (M...EnvironmentWith the sudden increase in offshore infrastructure developments in the Irish Sea, expert knowledge of seabed morphodynamics and sediment mobility is of huge importance. Significant vagrancies exist regarding seabed morphodynamics and the potential for sediment mobility in the...
CV21010 Celtic Voyager IMMErSE II (Irish Marine Mammals Ecosystem-based Survey) North East Atlant...EnvironmentAn eight day cruise led by Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (Ireland) on board the RV Celtic Voyager in the North East Atlantic Ocean in April 2021. Extensive visual surveys and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for marine mammals was carried. Additionally, 22 CTD...
CE21005 Celtic Explorer Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey North East Atlantic Ocean 2021EnvironmentThe 2021 Irish Anglerfish and Megrim Survey (IAMS) took place from 10th to 21st April on the Marine Institute's RV Celtic Explorer in the North East Atlantic Ocean to provide abundance indices for anglerfish and megrim and to provide maturity data for a range of species....
CE19014 - Monitoring Changes in Submarine Canyon Coral Habitats - Leg 2 (MoCha_Scan II) North Eas...EnvironmentCold-water corals generate lush, structurally complex habitats in otherwise barren parts of the deep seabed. They trap particulates including particulate organic matter (POM) and sediment enabling them to develop bathymetric structures called reefs and mounds. This survey...
CE19008 MOnitoring CHAnge in Submarine CANyon Coral Habitats (MoCha_SCan) Leg 1North East Atlanti...EnvironmentThis 11 day survey led by University College Cork took place in May 2019 on board the RV Celtic Explorer in the North West Atlantic Ocean off the continental shelf. This survey focused on the maiden deployment of a number of novel, ROV-adapted lander systems in the Porcupine...
CV20016 Celtic Voyager Nephrops Underwater TV Survey Aran - Porcupine Grounds Northeast Atlantic ...EnvironmentCV20016 , the underwater television (UWTV) survey of abundance and distribution of Nephrops in the Celtic Sea Nephrops Grounds took place in June/July 2020 in the North East Atlantic Ocean on board the R.V. Celtic Voyager. All planned UWTV stations were surveyed successfully...
EnvironmentThis survey, led by Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) was conducted on board the Marine Institute’s R.V. Celtic Explorer as a dedicated survey between 18th and 31st August 2009. The survey area covered waters over the...
Newfoundland Ice Sheet Glaciated Shelf Survey led by Ulster University in April 2016 on board the Marine Institute's R.V. Celtic Explorer. The overall scientific aim of this application is to develop a better understanding of the formerly glaciated continental shelf...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...
EnvironmentA GIS based quantification of Ireland's freshwater salmon habitat asset to determine the habitat quantity (wetted river and lake surface areas) available to migratory salmonids. The purpose was to inform the further development of salmon stock recruitment models to provide...