EnvironmentThis data consists of live text forecasts including, National, regional, sea area, inland lakes and county forecasts.
SocietyAbstract: This layer shows the estimated annual rate of erosion. Lineage: Annual erosion rates were estimated based on a comparison of the natural vegetation line in Ordnance Survey Aerial Photography produced between 1970-2000. The erosion maps have been produced for existing...
SocietyAbstract: This dataset represents the baseline position of the coastline in 2000 in areas considered to be vulnerable to erosion. Lineage: An erosion ‘baseline’ was derived from the visible vegetation line shown on the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) year 2000 aerial...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the outer bounds of the Unit of Management (UoM)/River Basin boundaries. These boundaries are hydrological divisions of land defined for the purposes of the Floods Directive. They are areas of land (catchments) draining to a particular estuary or...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the modelled extent of land that might be flooded by rivers (fluvial flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the modelled extent of land that might be flooded by the sea (coastal flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the modelled extent of land that might be flooded by rivers (fluvial flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the modelled extent of land that might be flooded by rivers (fluvial flooding) during a theoretical or ‘design’ flood event with an estimated probability of occurrence, rather than information for actual floods that have occurred in the past. The...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the model nodes, indicating water level only and/or flow and water levels along the centre-line of rivers that have been modelled to generate the CFRAM flood maps. The nodes estimate maximum design event flood flows and maximum flood levels. Flood...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the model nodes, indicating water level only and/or flow and water levels along the centre-line of rivers that have been modelled to generate the CFRAM flood maps. The nodes estimate maximum design event flood flows and maximum flood levels. Flood...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the model nodes, indicating water level only and/or flow and water levels along the centre-line of rivers that have been modelled to generate the CFRAM flood maps. The nodes estimate maximum design event flood flows and maximum flood levels. Flood...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the centre-line of rivers that have been modelled to generate the CFRAM flood maps. It is an indicator of the channels that have been included in the river network model and from which the resultant fluvial flood extents have been derived. Data has...
Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service Forecast Periods 4-9 ForecastsHIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksSocietyAbstract: This dataset provides the forecast output csv files for the relevant forecast location points for Periods 4 to 9 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. They do not cover all points for which a visual forecast was produced and the...
Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service Forecast Period 10 ForecastsHIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksSocietyAbstract: This dataset provides the forecast output csv files for the 60 forecast location points for Period 10 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. The csv files were produced twice daily for each forecast point in the am and pm and...
SocietyAbstract: This data shows the outer bounds of the Areas for Further Assessment (AFAs) where, based on the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (OPW, 2012), the risks associated with flooding are potentially significant, and where further, more detailed assessment has been...
SocietyAbstract: This dataset represents the future likely position of the coastline in 2050 in areas considered to be vulnerable to erosion. Lineage: A comparison of the best available current and historical mapping and aerial photography was used to estimate the annual rate of...
Display energy certs, energy use and emissions from DLR buildings
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
December 2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats D...HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingThis data set contains a list of derogation applications received and/or issued under Regulation 54 and 54A of the European Habitats Directive. The EC (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021 provide strict protection for all of the Irish species (both animal and...
EnvironmentThe OSPAR Convention is the current legal instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. Work under the Convention is managed by the OSPAR Commission, made up of representatives of the Governments of 15...