As part of the implementation of the Clare Heritage Plan 2008, Clare County Council decided to conduct a traditional boats study in the County. The project proposed an "audit and inventory of traditional boats and curraghs in County Clare and the establishment of a priority...
This dataset contains the locational data for the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) for - Longford County Council. It forms part of the Development Plan. Each development plan must include policy objectives to protect structures or parts of structures of special interest...
The Speed Limits are created under powers conferred by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004. Maps are created under byelaws showing proposed speed limits and zones. Where a speed limit exists this is also mapped. This dataset contains the speed limits created in 2006.
This polygon dataset represents Meath County Council Administrative extents for local government.
The Road Schedule lists all roads that are in public use. It is a line dataset which is normally the centre line of the road. Other attribute data is also stored such as the average width, surface type.
EnvironmentA scenic route is an area of special control. It is a specially designated road or water way that is located in an area of natural or cultural beauty. i.e. heritage landscape. In some areas the land adjoining scenic routes can have relatively limited capacity ( environmentally...
The Engineering Areas dataset defines the boundaries for the local area offices. There may be slight variations that operate depending on the service area, eg water, roads. This is to allow for the natural divisions that occur in inftrastruture.
A dataset of bridge data including location and other basic information (span and width data are not available). This work is subject to ongoing reveision.
This dataset consists of the special speed limit zones for County Wicklow Speed limits were amended nationally in 2005, when all measurements changed from the old miles per hour system to the new kilometers per hour. Speed limits used in County Wicklow include the 50kph Built...
Historic and 'active' graveyards based on graveyards survey undertaken in 2006 by Architectural Recording and Research (AR&R) and modified by Environment Section. Data Owner: Heritage Officer / Environment Section.
This dataset contains all ACAs within Cork County Council's jurisdication as per the County Development Plan 2009. An Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) is defined as a place, area, group of structures or townscape that is of special architectural, historical,...
EnvironmentWCC Urban Habitat Mapping Project 2008 to carry out habitat surveys (classified to Fossitt level III and Habitats Directive Annex 1) of the towns of Bray, Wicklow and Arklow and their environs. Data owner: Deirdre Burns. Last Updated: Jan 2009
This dataset contains the locational data for the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) for - Westmeath County Council. It forms part of the Development Plan. Each development plan must include policy objectives to protect structures or parts of structures of special interest...
Under the provision of Section 10 (2)(e) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 there is an obligation on the planning authority to include provision in the development plan for the protection of landscapes, including the preservation of views and prospects and...
The Register of Protected Structures is a statutary document manitained under Section 10(2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 - 2010. Structures can be added at any time and not just on publication of the County Development Plan. This is a point only dataset. The...
TransportA scenic route is an area of special control. It is a specially designated road or water way that is located in an area of natural or cultural beauty. i.e. heritage landscape. In some areas the land adjoining scenic routes can have relatively limited capacity (environmentally...
The Register of Protected Structures is a statutory document maintained under Section 10(2)(f) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 – 2010. Structures can be added at any time. This is a polygon only dataset. The polygon represents the general location of the structure...
This dataset represents the four Maritime Areas identified as the locations for future offshore wind project deployments within the South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy (SC-DMAP) in Ireland.
EnvironmentThe South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan for Offshore Renewable Energy (SC-DMAP) is Ireland’s first forward spatial plan for offshore renewable energy. As part of a plan-led approach to offshore renewable energy adopted by Government in 2023, all post Phase One offshore...
Leixlip Town Renewal Masterplan. A blueprint to guide the rejuvenation of Leixlip.