Appendix G_G14: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Age at Death by Plurality, Early Neonatal Death...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE early neonatal deaths for 2015 by Age at Death. This table outlines per cent by early neonatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every...
Appendix G_G13: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Cause of Death: Total Perinatal Deaths, 2015HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL PERINATAL DEATHS for 2015 by main Cause of Death. This table outlines numbers and per cent by stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and total perinatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal...
Appendix G_G6: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Birthweight (grams) by Sex, Total Live Births, 2015HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2015 by Sex. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the...
Appendix G_G3: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Age of Mother by Maternal Parity, Total Maternit...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL MATERNITIES for 2015 by Age of Mother and Maternal Parity. This table outlines data for total maternities. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the...
Appendix G_G1: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Mothers County of Residence, Total Births, 2015HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL births for 2015 by Mothers County of Residence. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is...
TABLE 5.5: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Post-Mortem Examinations, Total Perinatal Deaths (pe...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE PERINATAL DEATHS for 2015 by post-mortem examinations. This table outlines the per cent post-mortem examinations for stilllbirths, early neonatal deaths and total perinatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015...
TABLE 4.10: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Infant’s Length of Stay (days) in Hospital, Live Bi...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2015 by Infant’s Length of Stay (days) in Hospital. This table outlines data for total live births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in...
TABLE 4.9: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Inter-Hospital Transfer of Infants, Live Births, 2015HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL live births for 2015 by Inter-Hospital Transfer of Infants. This table outlines data for total live births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the...
TABLE 4.7b: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Method of Delivery by Maternal Age, Total Births, 2015HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL births for 2015 by Method of Delivery and Maternal Age. This table outlines data for total births. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the Republic of...
TABLE 4.6: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Rubella: Immune Status of Mother, Numbers and Percen...HealthPresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2015 by Rubella Immune Status of Mother. This table outlines data for the number of maternities. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on...
TABLE 2.2: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Singleton and Multiple Births, 2006–2015HealthPresents the numbers of SINGLETON and MULTIPLE births each year for the period 2006 to 2015. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the National...
TABLE 2.1: Perinatal Statistics Report 2015: Trends in Selected Statistics, 2006–2015HealthPresents trends in selected statistics from 2006-2015. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2015 is a report on national data on Perinatal events in 2015. Information on every birth in the Republic of Ireland is submitted to the National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS). All...
The NRA initiated the Archaeology and the National Roads Authority Monograph Series in 2003 to publish the papers given at its National Archaeology Seminars. The monographs are written in an informal, jargon-free style and contain numerous colour illustrations. Fragments of...
A collection of short videos commissioned by the TII to explore some of the archaeology uncovered in course of national road schemes.
In recent years TII Archaeology and Heritage has sought to expand on the various methods it uses to communicate the results of archaeological investigations on road and light rail schemes to the general public. A series of specially commissioned audio guides produced by Abarta...
Open Data Tax Receipts- Monthly Exchequer Tax Receipts 1984 - Present in CSV format. The monthly Exchequer returns are published on the second working day of the subsequent month, with a press conference held each quarter. These data are all historic with the exception of the...
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2014.
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2015.
This file contains detailed data on budgets for Irish Aid Activities in 2016.
This file contains detailed data on Irish Aid expenditure in 2013.