HealthAnalysis of Hospital In-Patient Days
HealthAnalysis of Hospital In-Patient Days
HealthHospital Admissions by no fixed abode
HealthHospital Admissions by no fixed abode
Analysis of Hospital Discharges and In-Patient Days
HealthHospital Admissions
GovernmentStatement of Business of Post Office Savings Bank
GovernmentAnnual Output of Generating Stations
GovernmentMarriages, Births, Deaths
TransportThis dataset provides annual updates on Local Enterprise Centres in Dublin region; Enterprise Hub, Primary Function, Primary Sector, Website, Gen Email (Public), LA Area, Area, Address, Eircode, Latitude and Longitude.
This contains the details of the number of incidents that the Life Guards handled on Fingal County Council Beaches during the Bathing Season 1st May to September 2024. See historical Data Life Guard Stats 2023_FCC and to see water quality during bathing season look for Beach...
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
This dataset has no description
Funding the Future - An annual options paper on the cost of higher education 2024Education and SportIn May 2022, the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science published its policy on the future of third level education in Ireland. The Funding our Future policy confirmed the Government’s intention to increase the funding given to third level...
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In accordance with the Local Government Climate Action Charter and the National Climate Action Plan - Delivering Effective Climate Action 2030 (CCMA), the Council is required to reduce its own Green House Gas emissions by 51% and to deliver a 50% improvement in energy...
The Climate Action team are working for all our communities to address climate change through a series of climate actions that improve our energy efficiency and contribute to making the county resilient to the challenges of climate change through the Local Authority Climate...
Cavan County Council aims to transform into a resilient, low-carbon entity, igniting, guiding, and enabling ambitious and equitable climate initiatives across the region.
Cork County Council will use its Climate Action Plan (CAP) in planning how it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from across its own assets and infrastructure, whilst also taking on a broader role to influence, facilitate and co-ordinate the climate actions of communities...
The vision of Leitrim County Council Climate Action Plan is aligned to the Government’s National Climate Objective which seeks to achieve the transition to a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050. The Climate...