Income and Poverty Rates
Population Decile Distribution
SIA193 - Profile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent...GovernmentProfile of the Population at Risk of Poverty, Experiencing Deprivation and in Consistent Poverty
Income and Poverty Rates
SIA161 - Households gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expensesGovernmentHouseholds gone into debt, within the last 12 months, to meet ordinary living expenses
Education and SportNumber of Substantially Employed Graduates
Education and SportNumber of Graduates
Education and SportNumber of Substantially Employed Graduates
Education and SportNumber of Graduates
Education and SportNumber of Graduates Progressing to Higher Education
Education and SportNumber of Graduates Progressing to Higher Education
Education and SportEarnings of Graduates
Education and SportGraduates Continuing in Further Education
Education and SportGraduates continuing in Further Education
Education and SportGraduates Continuing in Further Education
Forests and Percentage of Total Forest Area
At Risk Of Poverty Before and After Social Transfers
Role of Women and Men in National Decision Making
Adult or Child waiting times less than 9 months
PMQ88 - Pension coverage in the State for persons in current employment (ILO) or had previous emp...GovernmentPension coverage in the State for persons in current employment (ILO) or had previous employment aged 20 to 69 years