Quarterly data on recipients of selected social protection schemes.
List of Derogation Licences/Applications to End of April 2024HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingList of Derogation Licences/Applications to End of April 2024
HealthThis dataset provides updates on Tree data in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as ID, Age, Condition, Proximity, Building-Number, Street Area, Stem-Diameter, Spread Height and Species
Land Use Zoning Objectives South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 to 2028 SDCCHousingNote, there is an ongoing Judicial Review in relation to one area of zoning which was removed by Ministerial Direction. Further information available here
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...
This dataset provides annual updates on Skateboard parks in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, ElectoralDivision The dataset was counted as part of the Dublin...
Domestic Residence & Permissions applications and decisions - year and monthHIGH VALUEDepartment of JusticeSocietyThis dataset relates to Domestic Residence & Permissions applications and decisions by year and month. This dataset has been generated at a specific point in time and is subject to revision. Values in the range 1 to 3 are suppressed using * for statistical non-disclosure...
SocietyA visa is an endorsement placed within a passport that permits the holder to present to an Immigration Officer for permission to enter, leave or stay in the state for a specified time period. This dataset relates to paper and online visa applications received and decisions by...
SocietyA visa is an endorsement placed within a passport that permits the holder to present to an Immigration Officer for permission to enter, leave or stay in the state for a specified time period. This dataset relates to paper and online visa applications received and decisions by...
Local Electoral Areas for South Dublin, in accordance with S.I. No. 13/1986 - Dublin County (District Electoral Divisions) Regulations, 1986.The boundaries have been supplied by Ordnance Survey Ireland. Maps are prepared at a strategic level and may not scale accurately to...
This dataset provides annual updates on Places of worship in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, ElectoralDivision The dataset was counted as part of the Dublin...
An update on estates not Taken in Charge by Kildare County Council as at the 30th of June 2024.
Housing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data Q4 2023HousingHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2023https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/5b918-housing-supply-coordination-task-force-for-dublin/
Financial wellbeing in Ireland: Financial literacy and inclusion in 2023GovernmentThe Financial wellbeing in Ireland: Financial literacy and inclusion in 2023 report was submitted to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) by Indecon International Consultants and is based on a national survey undertaken by Ipsos MRBI using an Organisation...
Fire and Ambulance Annual Incident Activity Log Dublin Fire Brigade (DF) and Ambulance (DA) annual incident activity logs. Fields include date, area of incident (district ID) and response time data. The fields from MOB through to CD are generated by the vehicle (either by a...
List of Derogation Licences/Applications to End of March 24HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingList of Reg 54 Derogation Licences upto the end of March 2024
Social Housing Construction Status Report Q4 2023HousingThe latest Construction Status Report shows that 7,089 social homes are currently onsite with an additional 15,448 homes at design and tender stage. In Quarter 4 2023, 190 new construction schemes (4,185 homes) were added to the pipeline.
GovernmentThis data contains the Electoral Divisions in the Local Electoral Area.
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) has specific responsibility for the authorisation of credit intermediaries and for maintaining the Register of Credit Intermediaries. This dataset will be updated on a weekly basis.
Homelessness data Official homelessness data is produced by local authorities through the Pathway Accommodation and Support System (PASS). PASS was rolled-out nationally during the course of 2013. The Department’s official homelessness statistics are published on a monthly...