Permanent private households
SAP2022T6T1CTY - Private Households and Number of Persons in Private HouseholdsGovernmentPrivate Households and Number of Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T6T4CTY - Permanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private HouseholdsGovernmentPermanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private Households
SAP2022T6T3CTY - Permanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private HouseholdsGovernmentPermanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private Households
Permanent Private Households
GovernmentPrivate Households and Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T8T1CTY - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
GovernmentPrivate Households and Persons in Private Households
SAP2022T3T2CTY - Irish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking IrishGovernmentIrish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking Irish
SAP2022T3T1CTY - Population aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak IrishGovernmentPopulation aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak Irish
Number of Families and Number of Persons
Number of Families with Children
SAP2022T4T1CTY - Number of families, persons or children in private householdsGovernmentNumber of families, persons or children in private households
OLOD112 - Do you think there is still time to act on environmental issues by NUTS3 regionsGovernmentDo you think there is still time to act on environmental issues by NUTS3 regions
OLOD111 - Do you think there is still time to act on environmental issues by principal economic s...GovernmentDo you think there is still time to act on environmental issues by principal economic status
OLOD153 - Frequency of walking, cycling or using public transport instead of driving by NUTS3 reg...GovernmentFrequency of walking, cycling or using public transport instead of driving by NUTS3 regions