PMQ75 - Employees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies)...GovernmentEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies) who have heard of the auto enrolment scheme by their willingness to remain if opted into the scheme
SAP2011T9T2LEA08 - Private households by socio-economic group of reference personGovernmentPrivate households by socio-economic group of reference person
PMQ74 - Employees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies)...GovernmentEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies) who have heard of the auto enrolment scheme by their willingness to remain if opted into the scheme
PMQ73 - Employees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies)...GovernmentEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme (but to whom the scheme applies) who have heard of the auto enrolment scheme by their willingness to remain if opted into the scheme
GovernmentEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme
GovernmentEmployees who do not have an occupational pension scheme
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers
Usually Resident Population
Persons aged 16 years and over
ICA127 - Individuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods online in the last 3 monthsGovernmentIndividuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods online in the last 3 months
ICA122 - Percentage of individuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods and/or serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods and/or services online
ICA121 - Percentage of individuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods and/or serv...GovernmentPercentage of individuals aged 16 years and over who bought or ordered goods and/or services online
SAP2011T3T2ED - Irish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking IrishGovernmentIrish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking Irish