# Revision of the Irish Open Data Technical Framework ![](./_static/img/2015-framework.png) The Open Data Technical Framework was published in June 2015 and is available at [https://data.gov.ie/pages/opendatatechnicalframework](https://data.gov.ie/pages/opendatatechnicalframework). The document was prepared by the Public Bodies Working Group (PBWG) on Open Data. The Open Data Technical Framework set out the proposed technical elements that support the ongoing implementation of the Open Data Initiative. It ensured that publication of datasets on the Open Data Portal, [https://data.gov.ie](https://data.gov.ie/), was done in a consistent, persistent and truly open manner. The Open Data Technical Framework comprised five key components: 1. Open Data Licence 2. Recommended Formats for Open Data 3. Recommended Metadata Schema for Open Data 4. Recommended Standards for Open Data 5. Unique Resource identifiers Since 2015, there has been significant advancements in the area of Open Data and related domains, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and the internet of things. New types of data are being generated and collected, and there is continuous evolution in technologies for analysis, exploitation and processing of data. In order to address these changes, whilst continuing to support and provide practical guidelines to data publishers, a revision of the Irish Open Data Technical Framework is required. In version 2 of this document, the Open Data Publishing Guidelines, a clear outline of the technical components recommended for publishing Open Data will be presented, building on the solid foundation that the Technical Framework provided. In this way, the Guidelines will continue to ensure discoverability, accessibility and re-use.