TimpeallachtThis dataset shows the point locations of shipwrecks in Irish Waters surveyed by INSS and INFOMAR national seabed mapping projects. Over 480 surveyed shipwrecks have been recorded in the INFOMAR shipwreck inventory. The database accurately records the location of shipwrecks...
TimpeallachtSurvey tracklines delineate the line along which the vessel travelled as it was surveying. The vessel collects multibeam echosounder data (MBES) by emitting a fan of soundwaves and recording the reflected signal. The area of seabed ensonified is known as the footprint and the...
TimpeallachtThis dataset shows the area of seabed mapped by both the INFOMAR and Irish National Seabed Survey projects to date. Each survey leg is represented by a unique polygon whose title is coded using the initials of the vessel that did the survey, the year the survey was completed...