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This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the architectural conservation areas in County Roscommon. This forms part of the Roscommon County Development Plan 2014 - 2020. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or...
TimpeallachtThis dataset displays locational information for all 3,025 Holy Wells in the Republic of Ireland that has been recorded by the National Monuments Service. The dataset contains information on certain holy wells the precise location of which has not been identified and as a...
TimpeallachtThis is a point dataset showing the location of 258 sweathouses generated from the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset is updated on a regular basis by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI). Each record in this dataset can be accessed through the online...
TimpeallachtThis is a point dataset showing the location of 255 Stone Circles in the Republic of Ireland generated from the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset is updated on a regular basis by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI). Each record in this dataset can be...
Summary tabular data relating to Natura 2000 SPA sites in Ireland, providing Natura 2000 SPA site-related details, including lists of bird species for which each Natura 2000 site is selected. Data is accurate up to March 2023. Please check the Iris Oifigiúil, Irish, Irish...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map – Supporting Ecosystem Service Information: Habitat...TimpeallachtThis dataset contains a habitat asset register for Ireland, e.g. a national scale habitat map conflating all nationally relevant habitat data into one dataset. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a set of...