Dataset includes: • Citywide underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council excl. dedicated traffic ducting • Docklands underground telecoms ducting in the ownership of Dublin City Council • Docklands telecoms chambers in the ownership of Dublin...
Geospatial layers from Dublin City Council Development Plan 2016-2022 in ITM projection (https://www.dublincity.ie/dublin-city-development-plan-2016-2022) : • Zoning • Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) • Strategic Development Zones (SDZs) • Strategic Development...
Location & Range of Gun Firing from Martello Towers in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Co Co. The location of Martello Towers in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council area are shown. The Buffer data shows the 1646m (1800 yds.) range that guns could fire from the gun emplacements...
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
The datasets contain the names of the Engineering Areas in County Sligo. Dataset Publisher: Sligo County Council, Dataset language: English, Location of Engineering Areas in County Sligo with contact information. Sligo County Council provides this information with the...
Oideachas agus SpórtThis file contains variables published by the Department of Education on secondary Schools in Sligo. Data available Contains names of secondary schools in Sligo, Including roll number, address, and the number of pupils in 2013/14. Additional data within this file include WGS...
Oideachas agus SpórtThis file contains variables published by the Department of Education on Primary Schools in Sligo. Data available Contains names of Primary Schools in Sligo, Including roll number, address, and the number of pupils in 2013/14. Additional data within this file include WGS...
Oideachas agus SpórtPublic Playgrounds in County Sligo. There are two types of playgrounds in this data set Conventional and Multi Use Games Area. Sligo County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Sligo County...
This data contains information on the location of administrative and community buildings owned / operated by Sligo County Council. The data was created using GeoDirectory data and MapInfo data. The data includes Sligo County Council administrative buildings, community centres...
The datasets contains the Location of Garda Stations with contact information. Garda Stations in Sligo with location, address, division, district, and contact information. Sligo County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be...
The datasets contain the names of Fire Stations in County Sligo. Dataset Publisher: Sligo County Council, Dataset language: English, Location of fire stations with contact information. Sligo County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not...
Sligo Municipal districts are comprised of Tubbercurry Ballymonte MD, Sligo Drumcliff EA and Sligo Strandhill local electoral areas. Note: The current Local Electoral Areas and Municipal Districts, reflect the changes as defined in LOCAL ELECTORAL AREAS AND MUNICIPAL DISTRICT...
https://www.wicklow.ie/Living/Services/Planning/Derelict-Vacant-Sites/Derelict-Sites Details of the Derelict Site Register and access to the register and a complaint form. Under the Derelict Sites Act 1990, all planning authorities are required to establish and maintain a...
Datasets of __hydro energy potential __are downloadable as GIS shapefiles. Two spatial reference systems are applied to the downloadable shapefiles: Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) and WGS 84 (EPSG:3857). A 1985 study provided the raw data and technical terms in its glossary...
Datasets of hydro energy generators connected to the electricity network are downloadable as GIS shapefiles. Two spatial reference systems are applied to the downloadable shapefiles: Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) and WGS 84 (EPSG:3857). Connected generators are those with...
TimpeallachtThis dataset provides map polygons for sea areas used in sea area warnings. The dataset includes the naming convention and EMMA IDs for each area adjacent to the coastline.
Abstract: This data shows the FSU stations used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Under the FSU research, 216 FSU stations were used with varying record length. Purpose: The data has been developed to inform the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. The FSU is a...
Abstract: This data shows the nodes used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Under the FSU research, 134,000 nodes, representing ungauged locations were placed at 500m centres along the 42,000 km of the Blueline River Network. Purpose: The data has been developed to...