This is a listing of the Traffic Camera within Fingal County Council. These are used to monitor traffic issues and managed by a third party on behalf of Fingal County Council.
Toucan Pedestrian Crossing within Fingal County Council Administrative Area.
This data set contains the details of the Pedestrian Toucan Crossings within Fingal County Council Administrative Area. This contains a mapping and location of all Toucan Pedestrian Crossing under the Transportation Department within Fingal.
This data set contains mapping and listing of all School Warning VAS Signage in Fingal County Council Administrative Area in 2024
Toucan Crossings within Fingal County Council Administrative Area
This data set contains Mapping and Listing of School Warning VAS Sings 2023 in Fingal County Council Administrative Area" Disclaimer - Please note that this data set is for citizen to be aware of the Location of Static VAS Sings and no data is available on the stats....
Zebra Crossing within Fingal County Council
Accessible Parking Spaces/Parking Bays within Fingal County Council Pay and Display Sections. This dataset outlines the Accessible Parking Spaces/Bays within the Fingal County Council Administrative Area within our managed Pay and Display Parking Service Areas with APOCA....
Traffic Lighting within Fingal County Council Administrative Area
This data set contains the listing of School Wardens Duty Point within Fingal County Council with mapping and listing of same. Updated and maintained by Active Travel Unit of Fingal County Council. Copied to Open Data by permission under license below.
Location of bicycle stands within the South Dublin County Council administrative area as of December 2022. This dataset includes the number of senior and junior stands completed / under construction / planned for the future at each location.
Howth Baldoyle Cycle Lanes Mapped within Fingal County Council
On Road Bicyle Warning Signs with keep distance 5m with high visibility around the county of Fingal County Council.
Location of all signalised junctions of various types in South Dublin County Admin Area. Point data with coordinates in ITM and 1 further field indicating type –Junction / Pedestrian crossing.
Locations of all Bridge within Fingal County Council areas including Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates.
This dataset outlines the public accessible parking bays on roads and streets within the South Dublin County Council Administrative Area. Fields include index, geographical co-ordinates, street name and the number of spaces at that location.
A map showing the scope of the Protected Green Way Cycling Routes in Fingal County Council
This is for information purposes only as no data is collected from these signs it to show the location and to make drivers aware of there speed and to drive accordingly. This is for information to the citizens under the open data licence. Information Purposes Only.
This Data set contains a map showing all Bike/Stands/Racks/Maintenance Stands within Fingal County Council as more have been added with funding released for sustainable transport in pre 2021 installations with data from 2021-2022/2023Some also issued to Schools/Community...
This map shows the locations of Bike Stands/Cycle Racks prior to 2021 as there has been and large amount added to the network.