Oideachas agus SpórtMean Literacy and Numeracy Scores in PIAAC Cycles 1 and 2
PIAAC14 - Literacy and Numeracy Proficiency Levels in PIAAC Cycles 1 and 2Oideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Proficiency Levels in PIAAC Cycles 1 and 2
PIAAC23 - Literacy mean score in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) and PIAAC Cycle 1...Oideachas agus SpórtLiteracy mean score in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) and PIAAC Cycle 1 & Cycle 2
PIAAC22 - Population changes across PIAAC Cycles 1 and 2 based on Country of birth/Native languageOideachas agus SpórtPopulation changes across PIAAC Cycles 1 and 2 based on Country of birth/Native language
Oideachas agus SpórtPopulation changes between PIAAC Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
Oideachas agus SpórtPopulation changes between PIAAC Cycle 1 and Cycle 2
PIAAC19 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC18 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC17 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC16 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC15 - Literacy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in IrelandOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy and Numeracy Mean Scores and Proficiency Levels of adults in Ireland
PIAAC12 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC11 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC10 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC09 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC08 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC07 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC06 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels