Linear mine features consisting of Faults, Fold axis, Lines of subsidence, minearlized veins and structural contours.
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations Failing to meet EU Sewage Treatment StandardsRialtasThis shows all urban areas that failed to comply with one or more of the EU sewage treatment standards. Further information about urban areas failing to meet EU sewage treatment standards and information on the Directive can be found in the EPA’s Annual Urban Waste Water...
This is a point dataset of Industrial Emissions Licensing facilities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent authority for granting and enforcing Industrial Emissions (IE) licences for specified industrial and agriculture activities listed in the First...
This dataset shows the urban areas that are on the EPA’s priority list because they fall under one or more of the following criteria: Failing to meet EU sewage treatment standards; discharging raw sewage because there is no treatment plant, key pressure on rivers or lakes,...
TimpeallachtThese nutrient sensitive points are those locations listed in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010. The waterbody containing the sensitive area is used to...
TimpeallachtThis is a points dataset of the location of IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control) facilities that are currently licensed by the EPA.
TimpeallachtThis shapefile contains a range of mining features found on a typical mine site. This includes historic mine buildings and other typical mining features that are polygon in nature.
This is a points dataset of Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) sites. The EPA has been licensing certain activities since 1994. IPC licensing is governed by the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 as amended. Detailed procedures concerning the IPC licensing process are...
Bathing Water Area profiles referred to in Regulation 5 is to consist of a description of the physical, geographical and hydrological characteristics of the bathing water, as provided for in Directive 2006/7/EC where Designated Bathing Waters exist under S.I. No. 79/2008 and...
This is a point dataset of the location of all Dumping at Sea Chemical Monitoring Points.
TimpeallachtThe location of the sampling site for each stream sediment sampled and analysed.
TimpeallachtThe location of all the Envorinmental Protection Agency's Offices and Laboratories.
This dataset contains all the Coastal Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in waterbodies that are of lesser status at...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major...
This is a dataset of overall risk status results for River waterbodies (2008). The risk status was calculated as part of the Article 5 characterisation and risk assessment report carried out on all waterbodies. It identifies those at risk of failing the objectives of the Water...
Average concentrations in 2007 - 2009 for Phosphate (mg/lP) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
TimpeallachtThis is a polygon dataset of the location of all currently and previously licensed dumping at sea sites.
The twelve nautical mile limit pertains to fisheries and it gives exclusive rights to Irish registered fishing vessels to fish in those waters. Between six and twelve miles some fishing vessels, flying the flags of the U.K., France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, have...
Urban Areas with sewage treatment of more than 500 population equivalentRialtasThis shows the location of sewage treatment plants that treat sewage waste produced by more than 500 people. Further information about each licence can be found on the EPA website - www.epa.ie.
Urban Areas with a population equivalent of over 500 that receives no treatmentRialtasThis shows the urban areas where sewage is collected and released back into the environment without treatment. Untreated waste water is commonly referred to as raw sewage. Further information about Urban Areas with no treatment can be found in the EPA’s Annual Urban Waste...