TimpeallachtThe EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) requires designation of SPAs for: listed rare and vulnerable species; regularly occurring migratory species, such as ducks, geese and waders; wetlands, especially those of international importance, which attract large numbers of migratory...
TimpeallachtThese are prime wildlife conservation areas in the country, considered to be important on a European as well as Irish level. Most Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are in the countryside, although a few sites reach into town or city landscapes, such as Dublin Bay and Cork...
The designation of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) safeguards vulnerable or unique marine species and habitats of national importance in the Northern Ireland inshore region based on an ecosystem approach. These MCZs fulfill the obligations on The Marine Act (Northern Ireland)...
Special Protection Areas (SPAs) are designated under the European Commission Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds. All European Community member States are required to identify internationally important areas for breeding, over-wintering and migrating birds and...
Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) are those which have been given greater protection under the European legislation of The Habitat's Directive. They have been designated because of a possible threat to the special habitats or species which they contain and to provide...
The Draft South Coast Designated Maritime Area Plan (DMAP) Proposal Boundary for Offshore Renewable Energy signals Ireland's first step into the systemic, plan-led development of our huge off-shore wind potential. DMAPs will determine the broad area where offshore renewable...
This dataset provides updates on WiFi entities in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Name, Eircode, Address, Telephone, Email, Latitude & Longitude.
TimpeallachtAn exclusive economic zone extends from the outer limit of the territorial sea to a maximum of 200 nautical miles (370.4 km; 230.2 mi) from the territorial sea baseline, thus it includes the contiguous zone. A coastal nation has control of all economic resources within its...
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Local Area Plan Newcastle West 2014 existing pedestrian and cycle routesBailte
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