On Road Bicyle Warning Signs with keep distance 5m with high visibility around the county of Fingal County Council.
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan.ie project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan. The data is also available to view on...
The dataset represents planning exemption notifications received by local authorities at settlement level. The dataset includes information on settlements that have received more than 5 notifications or planned changes of use that would provide for more than 10 new...
TithíochtThe dataset represents planning exemption notifications received by local authorities at local authority level. Source: Local authority annual data returns. Boundaries: Administrative Areas dataset generated from the 2019 National Statutory Boundary dataset. Ungeneralised....
RialtasRural districts were created under the Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898 as subdivisions of county councils. They in turn were subdivided into district electoral divisions. Rural districts were abolished outside Co. Dublin by the Local Government Act 1925 and abolished in...
The High Water Mark digital dataset is derived from relevant 6 inch and 25 inch Ordnance Maps. The alterations are in accordance with the Boundary Survey Acts Ireland, approved by the Chief Boundary Surveyor and signed off in Privy Council Orders. The dataset also includes...
The Low Water Mark digital dataset is a historic dataset derived from relevant 6 inch and 25 inch Ordnance Maps. This dataset is provided by Tailte Éireann
Local Electoral Areas - National Statutory Boundaries - Ungeneralised - 2024RialtasThis dataset is admin areas pre 2014. The latest dataset is Local Electoral Areas - National Statutory Boundaries - Ungeneralised - 2024, see link...
Electoral Divisions - National Statutory Boundaries - Ungeneralised - 2024RialtasElectoral Divisions (EDs) are the smallest legally defined administrative area in the state. In general, they were formed by aggregating townlands. EDs in turn are combined to create Local and National Constituencies. EDs originated as subdivisions of poor law unions (Poor...
RialtasCounty councils and borough councils were created in Ireland under the 1898 Local Government Act. The 2001 Local Government Act renamed borough councils to city councils. The Local Government Reform Act 2014 provided for the creation of the City & County Councils of...
Baronies were originally feudal jurisdictions dating from the 11th century, which in the course of time came to be used for administrative purposes. The re-organisation of local government in the late 19th century signalled the end of the barony as a meaningful territorial...
The division of Ireland into counties was introduced gradually by Norman and English settlers between the 13th and 17th centuries, reflecting their use in in the Kingdom of England as units of local government. Townlands, civil parishes and baronies are subdivisions of...
Townlands are the smallest statutory boundary in the country and are based on Gaelic and later Norman and plantation divisions. In general, other territorial divisions are collections of townlands. The 6” survey of Ireland carried out under the 1825 Boundary Survey Act...
Constituency Boundaries Ungeneralised - National Electoral Boundaries - 2023RialtasFor the purpose of elections to Dáil Éireann, the country is divided into Constituencies which, under Article 16.4 of the Constitution of Ireland, have to be revised at least once every twelve years with due regard to changes in the distribution of the population. The...
Planning Applications lodged with Roscommon County Council since 2010. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Update Frequency: Daily Field Descriptions: County: Planning Reference Number,...
TimpeallachtRoscommon County Council Road ScheduleDataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Irish Transverse Mercator, Date of Creation: 2020, Update Frequency: As Required. Roscommon County Council provides this information with the...
Planning Applications lodged with Roscommon County Council since 2010. Dataset Publisher: Roscommon County Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Update Frequency: Daily Field Descriptions: County: Planning Reference Number,...
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.
This feature service is used to collect primary information on Environmental Impact Assessments and display the information on the EIA Web Aap. The ‘Environmental Impact Assessment Open Data Project’ is carried out by the GIS Department to compliment the EU Directive...
This dataset contains the merged Planning Registers of participating Irish Local Authorities and includes all Planning Applications received since 2012.