In terms of time scale in geology, Quaternary is the present-day time and it began 2.6 million years ago. A lot of this time period relates to the Ice Age. Quaternary sediments are the soft material that has been deposited during this time. In Ireland much of this is related...
The latest stream sediments data from the Tellus project, managed by the Geological Survey Ireland. A total of 52 major and trace elements in 9,471 stream sediment samples were determined by XRFS on pressed pellets. Analyses of Au, Pd and Pt were carried out on 9,257 samples...
TimpeallachtThe INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS)...
TimpeallachtThe latest topsoils data from the Tellus project, managed by the Geological Survey Ireland. The Topsoil (c.5–20 cm deep) samples were analysed for: Analytical Method: ICP(-OES/-MS) following aqua regia digestion; soil pH, soil loss-on-ignition at 450°C The survey was conducted...
TimpeallachtSeabed Habitats was initiated in EMODnet Phase I (2009-2013) through the EUSeaMap project. During the current Phase II (2013-2016), Seabed Habitats will extend the work carried out during the preparatory Phase 1 to move from a prototype to an operational service delivering...