Number of households with Internet access
Number of households with a personal computer
Persons at work
Usually Resident Population
Area, Houses, Population and Valuation
Area, Houses, Population and Valuation
Area, Houses, Population and Valuation
Area, Houses, Population and Valuation
Hospital Employment
Hospital Employment
Reduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions
RialtasNumber of families and persons in private households
SAP2011T3T2GAEL - Irish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking IrishRialtasIrish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking Irish
Number of Families with Children
Family Units
RialtasFamilies, persons and children in private households
Employer pay during Maternity
RialtasArea, Houses and Population Data
RialtasTotal Pay (Employer plus Maternity Benefit) During Maternity