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SAP2011T10T1DC2007 - Population aged 15 years and over by age education ceasedRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by age education ceased
SAP2011T8T1DC2007 - Population aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sexRialtasPopulation aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex
SAP2011T9T2DC2007 - Private households by socio-economic group of reference personRialtasPrivate households by socio-economic group of reference person
Females over 20 by Number of Children Born
Families and persons in private households
RialtasNumber of families and persons in private households
Number of Families with Children
SAP2011T3T2DC2007 - Irish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking IrishRialtasIrish speakers aged 3 years and over by frequency of speaking Irish
SAP2011T3T1DC2007 - Population aged 3 years and over by ability to speak IrishRialtasPopulation aged 3 years and over by ability to speak Irish
Maternity and Paternity Benefit
Difficulty in Making Ends Meet