Offshore Wind Farm Applications in Irish Waters (2021)EnvironmentThis dataset shows the location or potential locations of marine renewable energy sites (wind farm authorisations) in Irish waters. This is based upon formal applications submitted to the foreshore licence application office. The sites are catagorised depending on the stage...
National Monuments Service - World Heritage PropertiesEnvironmentThis dataset displays locational information for the UNESCO World Heritage sites Brú na Bóinne and Sceilg Mhichíl. It also contains the buffer boundary of Brú na Bóinne. All datasets have been recorded by the National Monuments Service on behalf of UNESCO as part of their...
National Monuments Service - Monuments to VisitEnvironmentThis dataset pinpoints national monuments around the country which are accessible to the public. The national monuments mapped on the website feature those at which the Office of Public Works maintain visitor services (for which there may be a charge) and those which have no...
EnvironmentSite-specific conservation objectives aim to define favourable conservation condition for Habitats Directive Annex I habitats, Annex II species at a site level and the SPA special conservation interest "wetlands and waterbirds". This project relates to the following Annex I...
Irish National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) AreaEnvironmentThe National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) Area is the geographic area management and reporting unit for Ireland's NMPF reporting. The NMPF sits at the top of the hierarchy of plans and sectoral policies for the marine area of Ireland. Marine planning brings together...
NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes dataEnvironmentThis dataset contains the location data published in the NPWS Flora Protection Order Map Viewer – Bryophytes http://bit.ly/2BxDNUA The Flora (Protection) Order, 2015 (S.I. No. 356 of 2015) gives legal protection to 65 species of bryophytes in the Republic of Ireland (25...
Ancient and Long-established Woodland Inventory 2010EnvironmentAncient woodland refers to those woods that have had a continuous history of cover since before the period when planting and afforestation became common practice (mid‐1600s). These woodlands are important in terms of their biological and cultural value, and may even form links...
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) National DatasetEnvironmentThe National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) is a state initiative under the administration of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and established on a statutory basis under the provisions of the Architectural Heritage (National Inventory) and...
National Monuments Service - Archaeological Survey of IrelandEnvironmentThis Archaeological Survey of Ireland dataset is published from the database of the National Monuments Service Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset also can be viewed and interrogated through the online Historic Environment Viewer:...
EnvironmentBefore the Habitats Directive, only four lagoons were at all well known in Ireland (Lady’s Island Lake, Tacumshin Lake, Lough Murree, Furnace Lough) and very few biological studies had been published. Under the obligations of the Directive, the National Parks and Wildlife...
This project contains NPWS GIS files relevant to the distribution of Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) and Nore Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera durrovensis) in Ireland. Both species are listed in Annex II and Annex V of the EU Habitats Directive. The...
EnvironmentIn 2008, following a 2007 pilot study in Roscommon and Offaly, a nationwide research study into the semi-natural grasslands of Ireland commenced. This study involved collecting botanical and environmental data from semi-natural grassland across all 26 counties. A total of...
Proposed Natural Heritage Areas (pNHA) were published on a non-statutory basis in 1995. They have not since been statutorily proposed or designated. These sites are of significance for wildlife and habitats. A process is underway to resurvey and formally designate some pNHAs...
Under Article 4 of the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/ 147/EC) six Special Protection Areas (SPAs), covering a total land area of c.1,671km² has been classified for the conservation of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland. A survey of breeding Hen Harrier reported that...
EnvironmentThe National Survey of Native Woodlands in Ireland included the survey of 1,217 woodland sites across all 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland during 2003-2007. Site selection was carried out using the Forest Inventory Planning System 1998 (FIPS) and local knowledge. Surveys...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows points of interest around Ballycroy National Park, which have been included in an online mapping application - Ballycroy Story Map Tour. CSV file contains points of interest in Ballycroy National Park, along with descriptions and coordinates (Irish...
Wicklow Mountains National Park Story Map DataEnvironmentThis dataset shows points of interest around Wicklow Mountains National Park, which have been included in an online mapping application - Wicklow Mountains Story Map Tour. CSV file contains points of interest in Wicklow Mountains National Park, along with descriptions and...
EnvironmentThis dataset pinpoints national monuments around the country which are accessible to the public. The national monuments mapped on the website feature those at which the Office of Public Works maintain visitor services (for which there may be a charge) and those which have no...