GovernmentReal current public expenditure on education
GovernmentSDG 4.1.2 Retention Rates
GovernmentSDG 4.1.2 Early School Leavers Loss Rates, 2016 Cohort
GovernmentSDG 4.1.2 Retention Rates, 2016 Cohort
GovernmentPupils in Mainstream Classes
GovernmentPupils enrolled in Secondary-Level Schools
GovernmentMainstream Primary Schools
GovernmentRetention Rates of Pupils in Second Level Schools
EDA02 - Domiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level InstitutionsEducation and SportDomiciliary Origin of Students Enrolled in Full-time Third Level Institutions
GovernmentNational Schools
Education and SportMainstream National Schools and Pupils in Ordinary Classes
Education and Sport