Location of Burial Grounds on 'F' Zoned lands as per the adopted Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2022-2028 (https://www.dlrcoco.ie/CDP2022-2028). These geospatial layers are indicative of the published version of the maps. If there are any discrepancies...
TransportThis data set shows where protected cycle facilities exist in Dublin Metropolitan Area on both sides of the road. It included segregated Cycle Tracks, Protected Cycle Lanes, signed Quietways on low speed and low trafficked streets, and vehicular traffic free links and Urban...
Public lights located within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Administrative area. This dataset is extracted from the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Council's street lighting management system and consists of an inventory of all street lighting pole locations within the county...
TransportJourney times Journey times across Dublin City, from DCC's TRIPS system, in csv format.''Journey times are supplied on a number of routes across the city (trips.csv). Each route consists of a number of links, each link is a pair of georeferenced Traffic Control Sites...
Dataset of Dublin City Council public toilets in the Dublin City Council administrative area. Data fields include location description, opening hours and coordinates. Listing created May 2021. For further details see: https://www.dublincity.ie/publictoilets
Location of 31 Variable Message Signs (VMS) within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains information about VMS Equipment Id, Location Name, Latitude and Longitude.
Location of 241 CCTV traffic poles within Dublin City Council administrative area. This dataset contains Road_1, Latitude and Longitude values.
This dataset contains cycle infrastructure in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). Data stems from work undertaken on behalf of the NTA to: re-categorise the 2013 street survey with infrastructure types: segregated cycle track, bus lane with cycle lane, etc. include links...
Location of accessible car parking spaces on roads and streets within the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council administrative area. Fields include index, ITM coordinates, street name, description and signage/road marking information. Please note that changes and upgrades...