AgricultureLand Utilisation
Number of Cattle in June
Employer Pay During Maternity
GovernmentTotal Pay (Employer plus Maternity Benefit) During Maternity
Household Distributional Accounts
Age-Standardised Morbidity Rate for Principal Procedures
Age-Standardised Data for Principal Procedures
SAP2011T8T1PROV - Population aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex
SAP2011T8T1LEA08 - Population aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex
SAP2011T8T1ED - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
Harmonised Risk Indicator 1 (HRI1) for Pesticides
SAP2011T8T1CTY - Population aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex
SAP2011T8T1CLT - Population aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by principal economic status and sex
SAP2016T8T1SET - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
Plant Protection Products
SAP2016T8T1SA - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
SAP2016T8T1PROV - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
SAP2016T8T1NUTS - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
SAP2016T8T1LPT - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex
SAP2016T8T1LEA19 - Population aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and SexGovernmentPopulation aged 15 years and over by Principal Economic Status and Sex